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Status Updates posted by Kashelle357

  1. I feel fantastic today. I got my third college application sent off and I'm having movie night with a friend tonight.

  2. Hi again. How are you this fine point in time?

  3. Boredom is awful, but Limbo is worse. That feeling when you're restless and want to do SOMETHING, but everything you think of sounds uninteresting, so you pace back and forth like a lunatic, restless... now THAT sucks.

  4. All right, except for this ear infection I'm trying to get over. How about you?

  5. PMT 53 ----- Other Muse Topics


    FINALLY!!!!!!! It got moving again!!!!!


    I'm not going to jinx it. I will stay silent on that front. :happy:

  6. Happy Birthday! May your last year of teenagedom be fantastic!!! :awesome:

  7. My nan with the MUSE Olympic Torch.... ----- Other Muse Topics


    How funny!!! She didn't know about this newfangled rock'n'roll band that the youngsters yammer on about, so she had a picture taken by herself. Priceless indeed! :)

  8. Am I a thread killer? Yes, yes I am. Every time I post on a thread, it either slows down or screeches to a halt. I don't know why, it just happens. So, I'll be posting my thoughts on my own page instead, since the rest of the Muser community can't seem to understand anything I say. I'll put the name of the thread and the name of the sub-forum at the top of each post so I don't forget what was going on. Yay me!!!

  9. Yes, luckily! My grams would have my head. :eek:


    My friend came over today and dragged me all over the water park, the energetic little thing. I am tuckered out my friend. :sleepy: Adieu! Until we meet again! :)

  10. How did she take it?

  11. I've been there. On days when I'm down, I pop in a Muse CD and the negativity melts away. But my grandmother would never let me buy anything that she didn't deem necessary. There is a recession on. :( But oh well. I'll survive... barely. :)

    How much will/did it cost you?

  12. :LOL: You're amazing.(What about the cashews? :eek:) And wow. I am so jealous!
  13. Yayyy!! So glad for you. And for the depression/PMS, eat pasta and cashews, :) and periodically go for a run. Excercise and carbs are supposed to help.

    Congrats on the NME thing...wait, what NME thing?? :eek:

  14. True :) But it looks like a lovely wireless network is floating thru my neighborhood right now, so I'm taking advantage. How are you today?

  15. free public wifi... or a friend with a phone that gets the internet! :D

  16. Oh honey, so glad you're feeling better than you were. I hate being depressed.


    I am so sad. I just found out that to cut expenses we are getting rid of my internet access, so I will hardly be on here, if at all. This is my last run before the connection really disappears. *sniff* Oh well, not as if I'll be disappearing completely, I just won't be on all day, like I normally am, ha-ha. Goodnight.

  17. I would cry too. I had a sinking feeling the other day that I would never see Muse live. I cried a bit, but am hoping for the best. Oh, and my ears are now completely healed!


    On the not-so-bright-side, I just found out that to cut expenses we are getting rid of my internet access, so I will hardly be on here, if at all. This is my last run before the connection really disappears. *sniff* Oh well, not as if I'll be disappearing completely, I just won't be on all day, like I normally am, ha-ha. Goodnight.

  18. Thank you, she's my one success, so proud! :)


    Unfortunately, I just found out that to cut expenses we are getting rid of my internet access, so I will hardly be on here, if at all. This is my last run before the connection really disappears. *sniff* Oh well, not as if I'll be disappearing completely, I just won't be on all day, like I normally am, ha-ha. Goodnight.

  19. They canceled a Stockholm gig? That must suck, seeing as you live in Sweden; I'm sorry. I'm better today, the antibiotics they prescribed me at the hospital are really working well because I can hear out of my left ear now. :happy: Can't wait until the right follows suit. Is there another gig nearby that you can go to?

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