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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. really thats an awesome name!

  2. and you must like kirby? lol :D

  3. cool whats your fav song?

  4. thanks! your awesome

  5. is envious too,im just on (my best friends who has told me a million times not to go on it) aim talking to my other bff :chuckle:

  6. lol i like everry color in the rainbow

  7. lol yeah im always random



    whats your favorite colour?

  8. you knwo time zones and stuff


    anyway micaelams is the one that created the what do your friend think about muse thread! you should check her out shes :awesome: she was also my first friend here on the boards :happy:

  9. btw your not a random freak! :chuckle:

  10. its actually totaly unfair!

  11. micas love boat is going awesomely!

  12. awwwwwwww i was planniing to make you one! now i need to come up with a christmas present



    hey you know micaelams?

  13. has you have a love boat :shifty:

  14. hey! your b-day is coming up and you need a present!

  15. i know right you know why cause when its night here and all is dark everything over there is light

  16. yup yup just as i suspected your 5 hours ahead of me..... fucking eastern/europian time diffrences

  17. yeah i know ummm 10:20 am here what time is it over there

  18. oh hey were online at the same time about fucking time! lol :chuckle:

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