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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. thanks yeah me too kay


    fingers crossed! i voted 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times too

  2. watching the peoples choice award i hope they win!

  3. yeah i do wonder what he did but maybe it wasent him


    i mean he's so loyal and trustworthy nice kind he cooks sings is talented sweet........


    did i meantion hes a man that cooks! i would love to marry him, im sorry for him i mean damn 8 years together that must be though

  4. cool i have a friend named angelica though


    i love your name!

  5. btw did i properly interdouce myselef you know hi my names jamie if not im sorry



    hi my names jamie

  6. yeah lol


    but i mean yeah who would break up with MATTHEW FUCKING BELLAMY!

  7. yeah lol even that gaia chick was in the video,it was her fault though :chuckle:

  8. that was FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. thanks! but for the messaging thing do i HAVE to put my real last name cause i dont feel comfortabla with that

  10. no so is that why i didin't get it ?

  11. hmmm wierd i did'nt recive it what does the message say?

  12. damn! its just that my account is in my friends email so she probably got it not me let me see if i find it if i don't please pm it for me!

  13. awesome! but we have to admit thats a long way im sure youll make i probably wont since im only 11m and want to drop out of school :chuckle;

  14. lol thats awesome SF!!!!!!!! i wish to live there but then again i also want to live in italy and london

  15. there is an mk ultar christmas present :eek:! link please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. your going to washington cool! you visting or staying?

  17. okay! so hows school?

  18. so como va todo en tu pais? los E.U estan bien y mi pueblo tambien como esta peru?

  19. a your like a ninja :ninja:

    im good what are you up to

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