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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. i need to go, bye!

  2. no problem :D, oh you have a boyfriend....................i really don't know

    well this saturday i went to a party for say good bye to a friend, we cried

  3. i'm a little bit tired, but how was your birthday party? (if you had one)

  4. 3 hours of french?!?! last year i had french

  5. mondays are bored for me, we have all the bored classes

  6. today i don't need to go to school :dance:

  7. well is 11:55am i ate some waffles :)

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party::dance::awesome:

  9. i love sponge bob! i have all the seasons in DVD (i know i have an obsesion with it)

    i need to go bye!

  10. i want it too! but i don't have £3,000

    and i'll never change my amplifier cuz it have too much sponge bob's stickers

  11. red :awesome: wish mine have another shape....................

  12. £80? wow! it isn't expensive, which color is it?

  13. yes i know, that's the reason why i bought it (i bought it too cuz it cost $100)

  14. i really don't know............why?

  15. thanks! my dad hates it, he don't told me that but i know he hates it. Well my english teacher loves it!

  16. i'm so happy cuz i upholstered all my amplifier with sponge bob's stickers! :awesome:

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