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Everything posted by Muse'sEmo

  1. Lol! :awesome:


    Maybe...If you is lucky! :ninja:


    But how is you anyway?

  2. Glad your good! What's your name btw?


    I finally got the jeans! Just in time for a non uniform day at school! I wore them and people staring at me all day and I got loads of "cool jeans" and "Where did you get your jeans from?" it was a right laugh!

  3. Soil is messy stuff! :awesome:


    We've thought about it... might make a big banner for when we go to a concert (September! I can't wait!) saying "DOM, WILL YOU BE THE DRUMMER IN OUR BAND?" That would be a right laugh.


    Glad your good! My name's Rachel and I is from the UK, what bout you?


    P.S. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, my laptop died and I had to find another computer...

  4. It went well, apart from my mate forgot to walk off at the end :facepalm: and started clapping the band instead :facepalm: It was quite funny really....


    My mum gave me a tube of maltsers....I ate them all...:awesome: They were nice!


    But everyone's saying that we're all gonna be depressed on Monday... It's ended!!!!!!!!!:'(

  5. Hey!!!!!!! Getting the green skinnies soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :awesome:

  6. Thank you! I'm going to wish it you back!




    It may be a bit late but who cares :awesome: !!!

  7. Getting already for the school production... I'm in it! :awesome: It's the last night! It doesn't seem like two minutes since I was auditioning to be in it! lol

  8. Lol, :awesome: It would be messy! :awesome:


    So do I, but it's finding a decent drummer, all the drummers I do know are already in bands or just wouldn't be in an all girl band if they're lads, lol! But I'm still young so it should work out hopefully!


    How are you anyway?

  9. Hey! I'm good! How about you?? =D


    Colourful jeans! Nice! I'm trying to get hold of some UV green jeans! =D My mates think I'm slightly mad but colourful keans mean more!!! =D

  10. not really broke up from school yesterday and got hwk to do so i've kinda done that but nowt interesting what bout you?

  11. ahh glad alright now tho? :)

  12. :LOL: Hey hey hey hey hey hey! I ain't beaten yet!! (I'm reeeally competitive!) and no problem :) Hey Chase! I'm Rachel btw! :)
  13. good thanks! hows are you?

  14. I'm good! i just do alot of singing and stuff, trying to get a band going but it ain't really going very well :) But its good your good and hows the gardening going?

  15. i dont understand the maths thing :S

  16. Hey hey hows it going?

  17. :eek:how can you hate such an awesome song?! its insane! *claps out tits*
  18. i love it all... its my favourite song off the new album but my best mate hates shame...
  19. we will :) don't worry.... we?.... yeah we, you and me.... ok you have really lost it.... yeah i have you only just worked that out sister?.... yeah im soooo slow.... yeah.... shut up!.... ok.... thanks.... no problem.... de javu :S

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