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Everything posted by Muse'sEmo

  1. I just have boyfriend troubles that's all...I think a guy likes me but then no, they don't or sometimes they flirt and they sometimes they don't but then all of a sudden do again, it's complicated :LOL: Any advice? :happy:

  2. :LOL: I love autumn it's the best :awesome: and actually the sun is still here!! =)
  3. :LOL: The sun was good while it lasted...it's raining pretty bad now *sigh*
  4. Thanks and no problem! :awesome: Your pic cool too! :D

  5. Because...*tries to think of a reason* They're easier to figure out? That's just boloni! Guys are reeeally hard to figure out! I speak from experience :LOL:

  6. Cool! For once it's actually sunny here! :LOL:

  7. I suppose, that makes sense... :LOL: Guys are simpler, not that it's a bad thing though.

  8. Britain, rain, I suppose. We're in Summer but still rain! :LOL:

  9. I'm from Britain =) What's Argentina like?

  10. Have you just joined the message boards? Where are you from?

  11. I'm good! I take it your new to the boards?

  12. I don't know...it's all over the place it's running around like a loony one minute and the next I'm out to kill people (not literally :LOL:) but yeah I feel a lot.... for an unknown reason... So why do you feel the way you feel? xx :kiss:

  13. No problem! =D How's it going?

  14. Since I'm I girl I would Probably naturally say Guys but then us girls do have a large element of strangness too... What bout you?

  15. lol cheers I'm surviving! How's life?

  16. Kisses accepted and returned :kiss:


    I bet they will! :LOL: And most the guys are kinda weird in a bad way and then the girls are just..well.. I can't think of the word.. :LOL:

  17. Glad your good! =D


    My parents are back now though...so it's back to the usual nagging...

  18. I'm doing fine, not doing much tbh, my parents have gone on holiday but my older brother and sister are looking after so this week should be cool =D How are you?

  19. Lol, how are you spiderman? lol


    I've handed my project in now and it seems that girls have more music on their ipods than guys. I asked people in my year group at school and tbh, half of them were a bit creepy...lol

  20. Naww! Poor you!


    But I'm good, back at school tomorrow and I only just did all my homework, I've probably failed big time as well... But I ain't bothered! More important things to think about other than I maths project invovling asking a load of random people how many songs they have on their ipod...but anyway! How is you other than your arachnid problems?

  21. hey! how's it hangin'?!

  22. Hey! How's it hangin'?!

  23. Awesome! What colour?


    Btw, I'm Rachel

  24. Hey! I like your name! How's things?

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