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Status Updates posted by OriginOfShowbiz

  1. :LOL::LOL:

    I don't know :facepalm:

  2. That's :awesome: what is the holiday?

    :LOL: I was so happy that it was getting warmer and it was freezing today when I was walking home form school :supersad: and we wont get a day off school this time :p

    Oh I forgot to tell you before, I listened to the original version of Prague and I like it (I love 90s rock so I think that's why and it's a bit grungy :happy:) I can't wait to hear Muse's version I know it'll be amazing!

    Your dream sounds great loll, I had a dream that I was at Wembley and I was so close to the front so I grabbed Matt's leg :facepalm:

  3. :LOL: I knew you were the pervy one :ninja:

    :LOL: yeah I don't know why they're a secret though :LOL:

  4. :stunned: I didn't know she was dead :facepalm:

    I'm looking for "secret" places to go in london :LOL:

  5. :LOL::LOL: omg what are you doing to meee? :chuckle: how old is she?
  6. :vomit:ahhhhhhh my eyes...my eyes!!!


  7. :LOL::LOL::awesome:

    I need a shower :facepalm:

  8. that's :awesome:

    ermmm I checked on google :chuckle:


    Frances Farmer was born on the 19th of September :awesome: like Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle :awesome:

  9. :dance:

    it snowed here today :erm: but I still had to go to school

    :LOL yeah my brithdays 6 days after Matts and Johnny Depps :chuckle: they have the same birthday

  10. Heyy :D I'm good thanks, how are you?

    :stunned: it snowed here today!! :erm:

    Well I sent a message to AM asking if I could illustrate the 10th of august but she hasn't replied :(

    hmm we'll see :LOL:

    haha I told him that I'll buy him a Muse t shirt so we can match but he said he doesn't like them that much and that I've brainwashed him into liking them :chuckle: I kept imagining Muse coming to perform at school today and no one would know them except from me so I'd run onto stage and hug them


    :LOL: that interview was so funny, Dom lost it

  11. I've been away form the board for so long :supersad: it feels like ages :LOL: how are you?

    it was my brothers 18th birthday today :dance:

    oh I didn't say before, my birthday's on the 15th of june :happy:

  12. I've been away from the board for a while too :supersad: I missed it here :LOL:

    Don't worry, I'm sure you wont miss the scrapbook for Matt! Oh have you seen this interview?

    It's quite long but they talk about all the scrapbook that they've been getting :happy: and they look really tired!

    I've asked if I can illustrate one of the days for the scrapbook. I'm kind of nervous but I've got loads of ideas. I want to add something for the "normal" part too.

    :LOL: I sent my friend Citizen Erased and he said it was amazing (even though when I made him listen to it before he said it was scary :chuckle:)

    Wow snow again! It's getting warmer here but rainy:stunned:

  13. We are friends on youtube! :D I'm good thanks, how are you?

  14. I have to go do homework :facepalm:

    :supersad: byee :kiss:

  15. :LOL: I know! february is just :erm:

    I can't wait til my birthday :awesome: I wanna go to the manson guitar shop to see Matt's broken guitar and Chris' bass :D

    but my birthday's in June

    Still snowing? :stunned:

  16. It's my cousins birthday today! and brothers birthday on monday, my friend's next week and another friend the week after and thenit's my mum's birthday :LOL:

    I haven't bought any presents yet :facepalm:

    My day was good. :supersad: it rained here..again :LOL:

  17. Prague is a a cover! :D I can't wait to hear the Muse version :happy:

  18. I hate maths :ninja:

    I'm good :D hows your day been?

  19. Awww :supersad: Nevermind, we've got ages for Matt's book now :)

    I'm going to start thinking of what I could do now even though we have til August

    :dance: how's the album?

    Guess what! My friend now loves Absolution! He hated Muse (and is obsessed with Lady Gaga) but he changed his facebook status to: "Butterflies and Hurricanes, Damn you Tabina" :LOL::awesome:It was hard for him to admit that he kinda likes them :chuckle:

  20. Hey :D sorry I haven't been writing so much I have so much school work to do :supersad:

    how are you?

  21. :awesome: I know! It's so close to the Chris scrapbook, but at least we have til August to do it :happy:

    Did you enter your letter for Chris?

  22. :LOL::LOL: I was soo upset... it smells like soap :supersad:

    how was the book?

  23. my mum washed my Muse t shirt :supersad:


    I'm good what book did you read?

  24. I know and those 3 hours go sooo slowly :facepalm:


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