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Status Updates posted by OriginOfShowbiz

  1. Lol no worries :D oh my god!! Billy Talent!! That's soo cool! Let me know how it goes tomorrow :p

    Aww I'm glad, don't worry you'll be fine. Wembley's pretty easy to get to and there's loads of people at tube stations that can help you :)

    Have fun tomorrow!

  2. Thanks for accepting :p haha yeah maybe we'll bump into eachother in the GC ^_^

    I'm good, how are you? I know, I'm soo excited!! I can't believe it's in September next year though. I have a feeling time will go really slowly too :(


    Paddington sounds good, you're not too far. London tubes are usually quite good but give yourself some extra time (maybe like 20 minutes or so) incase they're dodgy or crowded. Even if you get to the stadium really eary, I'm sure they'll be loads of excited Muse fans to make it fun :D

  3. 9 looks really good! I haven't seen it yet

    I love Edward Scissorhands

  4. my favourites are Micro Cuts and Citizen Erased but I love them all

    Yeah I especially love when it's a Tim Burton film with Johnny Depp, it's always amazing

  5. So what's your favourite song?


    I just noticed you like Tim Burton films too!!! So cool

  6. loll aww

    Is that the same for songs/albums? :)

  7. loll thanks for accepting :)

    I love them all too!! But my favourites are the Chrome Bomber and the Glitterati :D

  8. No problem :D

    So which one of Matt's guitars is your favourite?

  9. haha I'm good =)

    I can imagine what you're feeling right now, waiting to go and see Muse! :D

    Tell me everything :p

  10. Kristina!! Hey!! =D You found me :p

    hehe you're my first friend on here loll :D

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