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Status Updates posted by OriginOfShowbiz

  1. Hey Kristina!! :D

    I missed talking to you :supersad: how are you?

    I just say that Muse are letting us pick the songs for the tours :D:D I'm soooooooo excited

  2. :D how was your hair?

    :LOL: I love your new avatar it's :awesome:

  3. :D:D:D

    The exam was sooooo hard!

    Aww :awesome: it was sunny here yesterday but today it rained

    I'm good :D how are you?

  4. I've got loads of exams too :supersad: and I failed biology :facepalm:

    :p my weeks been good, you?

  5. I've been good too :D So far my french stuff is going well so that's one less thing to worry about :p

    Yeah I have to redo the exam so I have to learn the same stuff again too :supersad: I'm sorry that you have to do the same!

    I hate school :ninja: Aww I'm glad you're feeling better now though and don't worry there's only a couple months left til school finishes and you MUSE CONCERT :awesome: will be here in no time!!

    I'll have to try and find that pic for you, I think you've probably seen it already though :D

    I'm not sure..I keep checking on the HMV website and they don't have it at all, it doesn't say sold out or anything, and it's the same on Amazon and Play.com.. maybe it's exclusive to muse.mu?

    Ooh what's the news? xx

    :chuckle: I'll have to try and find the pic again, I bet you've already seen it though :awesome:

  6. I'm good:happy: I missed you :supersad: how are you?

  7. Hey Kristina :happy: how've you been? Sorry for taking so long to write back, these exams are killing me :supersad:

    I failed my biology exam :facepalm: It's even been so long since I've listened to Muse properly, I miss them :p

    No I still don't have the Resistance single. I can't find it online either apart from on muse.mu. I wonder why..

    Oh Kristina! I found a gorrrgeous picture of Dom that made me think of you :happy:

  8. :LOL::LOL: omg they asked for a recipe :eek:

    Aww ok I'll talk to you soon :happy:

    byeee :kiss:

  9. :awesome: I hope you win!!

    It made me wanna throw up :ninja: It was interesting.. but then this guy in my class started taking out it's eyes :erm: and heart and stuff

    so mean :supersad:

  10. It was ok I had to stay after school today for an hour for more work :erm:

    oh and I disected a fish

  11. Hey! :D Sorry for the late reply, how's your week going?

    :LOL: Their reaction was priceless! Matt looked more excited about the hottest male award than the music award :chuckle:

    The NMEs were really great! We got a couple glimpses of Matt and Dom chilling out and their speech when they got the award was adorable. They definitly deserved to win best band! Kassabian wewe :awesome: too. Have you seen it yet?


    :awesome: You were dancing to Thriller!! That's soo cool, I wish I could have seen it!! I had to do a dance in a ply once.. I cannot dance at all so it was really embarassing :facepalm:

    :LOL::LOL: I can't remember how the rollerblade thing happened. I probably just wasn't paying attention or something :p

    I've been looking everywhere for the single but I can't find it :supersad: did you manage to find it? I think i'll have to buy it online. I'd love the vinyl but I'll probably just get the CD what about you?


    :LOL::LOL:I'm imagining Matt wearing the costume from Bad Romance complete with the net face mask thingy :awesome:

    :facepalm: Matt did say he liked the way she dresses


    Thank you for that link! :awesome: xxx

  12. I'm good except I can't stay long :supersad: I just wanted to say hi :D

    How has your week been?

  13. Heyy :awesome: how are you?

    It's been so long :supersad:

  14. Hey Kristina!

    I'm good, how are you? Aww I can't believe how close your concert is now! Wembley is 196 days away but I still love the anticipation. I can't wait!! Especially watching the videos from the NMEs!! We're getting UFOs :dance:

    :LOL:Did you see Matt's reaction to winning sexiest male? I was laughing for like half an hour.. he was more excited about that award that Best Band :LOL: I was sure that Dom would win though!! We Muse fans really are crazy :p

    They're showing the NMEs tonight, I can't wait!! And also tonight, Johnny Depp and Tim Burton are going to be on Jonathon Ross :awesome:


    I'm glad you had fun at the carnival! It sounds so :awesome: What was your performance? There was something happening in London once where loads of people started doing the dance from Thriller on trains, it was soo great! I didn't get to see it though..


    I love Prague! I still have to buy the single. I'm going tomorrow hopefully! I actually really like that it's depressing. It's really emotional I think :happy:


    :LOL: I guess so but now my friends tell people that I "got run over by a parked car" :facepalm: so I sound even more stupid! And they don't even tell the rest of the story, or that I was on rollerblades...

    Aww :LOL: at least the woman wasn't mad, or was she?


    :LOL: I bet they got loads of questions about Matt's hair! I wonder if he would ever consider dying it again. Maybe with the next album.. can you imagine Matt with hair like Lady Gaga :chuckle:


    Yeah!! I heard Matt talking about The White Lies once!! I think he got asked what bands he's listening to at the moment :awesome:

  15. I love your name!!! :awesome:

    :LOL: I get that too they're like "hmm you're the first Tabina I've ever met" :chuckle:

    aww ok byeee :kiss:

  16. :stunned: I can't believe we've never asked before :LOL:

    My name's really weird i have to repeat it when I'm trying to tell someone..they'll be like "Sabina? Sabrina? Tabitha??":LOL: what is yours?

  17. Thank you! I like your name too :)

  18. :eek::stunned::):D:awesome:

    That was my reaction :LOL: that's :awesome:

    :LOL::LOL: well I can't get any worse at guitar :facepalm:

    :supersad: I have to go my mum was like "Tabina get off the computer now and clean up!" :supersad:

  19. Aww :happy: I'm Tabina by the way, my name's kinda weird :LOL:

  20. :awesome: it looks so beautiful and I really like buildings

    :awesome: yay! I want to go to Scotland and Ireland too I've never been there

    :D:D lets see how many smileys I can use :p

    Thank you! Yeah hopefully some day I'll be able to play the guitar properly

  21. :awesome: your hair is so beautiful!
  22. I use too many smiley things :LOL::facepalm:

  23. I really want to visit Romania some day :happy:

    :stunned: I suck at history :facepalm:

    :LOL: I'm still trying to learn the man who sold the world. I can do the beginning bit before the lyrics start :chuckle:

  24. :dance: that's :awesome: what part of history was the test on?

    :awesome::awesome: was all appologies hard to learn?

    I'm good!

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