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Status Updates posted by Ella

  1. Hey, I was just on your youtube channel. :awesome:

  2. :LOL: I'm not a raging jealous monster. :noey:
  3. Goldilocks = Hudson. :vomit:

  4. I soooooo got it! And I have to say, it was stunningly beautiful. It was way better than the album version. It made my tummy flipflop. I thought of you when they played it! :)

  5. I don't know. I'm still excited!!! :awesome:


    I think it will get active again when the gig gets closer. I'm totally panicked about Charlottesville the next day. Are you going to be there? I know you were debating it at one point.

  6. I see. Your little treasure. :)

  7. and thank you for being my friend. :chuckle:


    I see about the photo. Better not open a can of worms. :noey: If you can crop her out, you could post the pic without causing any ruckus. Otherwise, use your best judgment. I respect that you haven't dumped it on the internet. :happy:

  8. Hey jemzaza, we all want to see your beautiful Matt pic. :chuckle: Actually, I'm excellent at keeping secrets. :ninja:

  9. Hi, I participated in your thread for gathering statistics on Muse fans, but I don't think this is a very good place to get true stats. Probably more girls than guys visit forums, and probably more teenagers than older people as well. Good luck though! You should publish your results for us all to see. :awesome:

  10. Well that's one way to look at it. :LOL: At least I don't have to be envious of some other gig. My next request would be Showbiz. I know you think Matt can't sing it anymore...I reckon you're right. CE would be amazing, and I KNOW they have played it on the Resistance tour! :awesome: I will have to start hoping for that one.

  11. But this makes me think there is no chance they will play it for us. :'(

  12. Awesome info! Thanks :)

  13. I got my tickets to San Diego! I won't know a single person at the show and the thread is kinda dead. Maybe they aren't as hardcore on the West Coast. I wish we were going to the same show. :(


    I did exactly what you did! I sold it as a vacation. My husband is actually going to go to the show with me. I got seats. I got sideview, 3 rows up, Chris's side. I tried so hard for Matt's side, but the stinking section simply wouldn't pop up in Ticketmaster. :'( We are flying out the day of the show (a Wednesday) and coming home on Sunday. It is a lot of money...I'm worried about that a little bit too. If something comes up and the money doesn't work out, I will sell my tickets. Let's both keep our fingers crossed on that point! I think both of your scenarios sound fun. If you go with your husband, then he gets to have some fun too! :D The other way would be cheaper...Hmmmmm. Which does he prefer? That thing about his vacation is very strange. That definitely would not work for me. I've only had 10 days this year and last, but next year I get 20. I can't wait! Too bad Muse will be taking a break.


    I'm so excited!!! I will have spent 8 of my 10 vacation days this year following Muse. ROFL!

  14. Hey! Your FB post scared me. :( What is this "if I actually get there" business?

  15. I didn't even see it. I think my love for David has been completely trumped by my love for Matt. :facepalm: Lee and Crystal were both awesome. Maybe I need to start watching again! :D

  16. No, I gave up around the top 9. It was never the same since the season where David won. :chuckle: I liked Siobhan (sp?). Is she still on there?

  17. Hey, I found you on Facebook from Kim O'Leary's page. I sent you a friend request but remembered that you only know my middle name because that's what I use on here. I'm Christina. :LOL: Didn't want to confuse you!

  18. Hey! VA is a no-brainer for me. I think it's only a 3 or 4 hour drive. I am considering one of the OH gigs too, but I am on the fence because I will have to fly and go with my husband so it will cost a fortune and then double (usually I go w/ someone else so we only have to pay for me). The other thing is that if I fly I don't see how I can queue all day because I can't take all the necessary stuff and will have no car to dump it in, so I am thinking seats would be the only option. I'm fretting big time right now, to be honest :facepalm:

  19. I found out what is going on in the PMT! :D They have been writing ....stories, and apparently Matt read some of it and left a tag so now it's out of control over there.

  20. Hey Renee! I've been lurking at least a little everyday, but not posting much lately. Busy with work and the dogs and running. How's your puppy doing? Is he huge yet? I can't keep up w/ the PMT anymore (more than about 10 pages a day and I'm a lost cause), I don't think I posted once in PMT49. I miss it though! I was in there a little bit today. I hope we get some fall dates soon; I need another concert!

  21. Ella

    Thanks for the sig! It's beautiful and reminds me of my 1st Muse gig aka the best night of my life :awesome:

  22. Oh, LOL! Thanks for the clarification. The post about not knowing stuff was literally right after the conversation about sexy plane, and now I actually see how they are related. :) It was an unfortunate acronym coincidence. I wasn't offended though, there's loads of stuff I don't know and I'm sure it puts people off sometimes. :unsure: Overall, this is the nicest forum I've ever been on! :D

  23. :LOL: Hopefully she doesn't find out the truth about your behavior. Keep living the lies for 10 more days!
  24. Hey, what's the story with your tickets. Did you have a conversation with your mom? What did she say? Did you do something naughty and have this punishment coming??? :chuckle: Seriously though...expensive concert tickets are not something that should be wasted :noey:

  25. Neil on you avatar :chuckle:

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