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Status Updates posted by {LUNA}

  1. Hi dear :) thanks!!!! I can't log in to much I know:( my bad I've been busy with kids and looking for jobs.I miss you too, but hopefully this week I can stay for a while

    :) how's the school and boys! lol

  2. oh, cool I was out this afternoon so I missed you :( now I'm on chat

    awww ok have a goo day tomorrow and take care as well :kiss:

    see ya soon.

  3. Shit! that FB thing was fucking weird! :chuckle:

    I don't like being on FB :unsure: I dunno why

    there's just to much shit all over the world...

    btw.how's things with the internado? are you going or what?!

  4. well we have to came here more :chuckle:

    okay have fun today! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

    *I'll give you sours* &spicy candy's :kiss: 's

  5. !!!Happy Birthday!!! Ez!!!!

    Hope you can have a sunny and bright day :happy:


    !Enjoy your day!

  6. happy birthday


    !!I wish you can have a wonderful day!!

  7. Just kidding Steve!

    talk to you later :happy:


    :party: !!!JO!!!:party:

  9. Steve! Steve!

    Steve! Steve!

    Steve! Steve!

    Steve! Steve!

    Steve! Steve!

    Steve! Steve!

    Steve! Steve!

    yep as you can see I'm bored... :LOL:

    oh, btw I almost forget... Hello Steve!

  10. that's great........ :unsure:

    I think it is haha

  11. well, then congrats :chuckle: very late I know but anyway...

    have fun.

  12. !!!THANK YOU!!!! Son! how're you? that's ok I'm a bad Mum to I have no time anymore for me! :( I've been working overtime all this last 2 weeks all that I do is just sleep all day :facepalm:

    take care son and don't drink!

  13. !Happy Birthday! :chuckle:

    hope you have a great time!

  14. :chuckle: I love your undertitle

    you had the right one!

  15. Ann!! :kiss: hello hello, no I'm not into Bailyes! I was sick :(

    but hey! I'm better now so, Luna is back! :p

  16. Louie! hello what are you been doing?

    still doing the same Job?!

  17. aaaaah okay

    so tell me how's live at Queretaro

  18. ALEX! back and talk to me please!

    I was joking! It wasn't serious...

  19. Alice :happy: did you get your {mad hatter?} :chuckle:

    hmmm... put it on here make an album and load it!


    right away!


    by the way, how's life? mine is boring :rolleyes:

  20. awesome pics! Tylor ;)

    I like it. hey I gotta go now we can talk later, ok bye bye :kiss:

  21. aww Tylor shut up! :LOL:

    see ya.

  22. awww :( como!? I can't believe! te vas! y dejas a tu hijo!

    well....... te deceo mucha suerte! te extrano ya tengo mucho que no te veo!

    espero poder platicar pronto! y que cuando te mudas? y ya es definitivo oh solo por un tiempo? con razon your SON esta que se lo yeva la chingada de tristeza! pero bueno ya se encontrara otro padre no crees? bueno por lo pronto disfruta tus vacas!!!! :chuckle: take care banana!

    love you...bitch! :rolleyes:

  23. awww :( no!!!!!!!!!!! Don't go away!

    hmmm..ok si es nesesario vete :( pero te conectas!

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