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Status Updates posted by Marjaana-

  1. Oh right... I think I've seen the trailer a few times :D I should go see that, I'll ask some of my friends :happy:

  2. Awesome! I'm sure it will be amazing :) Have fun and tell me after the gig how was it :awesome:

  3. Oh at 6:30, awful :LOL: I hate waking up early but I love going to bed late. That's not such a good combination lol.

    I haven't seen that movie, but someone wrote on Facebook and said it was good. :chuckle: So maybe I should watch it too. :yesey: What is it about.?

  4. Yeeah :/ and thank you! I was a bit dissapointed cuz they only played MK Jam, not MK Ultra. :stunned: I really want to hear it and CE at Wembley!

  5. Oh.. :( But actually you don't really need to do anything special on holidays, just relax and SLEEP A LOT :D

    Hmm so how are you? :awesome:

  6. heyy! how are you? :)

  7. Happy Birthday! :party:

  8. Yeah! In that kind of situation you have like no time to think clearly cuz you're just so damn excited :D

    3 gigs in 8 days.... WOOAH that shall be fuuuucking epic! You need to tell me then how the gigs went :yesey: I hope you get a chance to meet Matt, Dom and Chris! At least at the traffic lights like me! :LOL: hey btw, do you have facebook?

  9. Oh it's okay :) Ooh you're friend was lucky :awesome: 6 weeks holiday sounds pretty awesome, enjoy it!

    I've been chilling all holiday :yesey: I've gone to an amusement park, seen MUSE, 30 STM, Rammstein, Mew, White Lies and The Rasmus and been working for 2 weeks.. That's pretty much it I guess! What have you done? :D

    When the holidays end, I'll be going to college. It's right next to my old school and almost all of friends are coming there too. But no one of very my best friends is actually coming to the same class, but it's just good cuz I want to get to know some new people. You are staying in the same school right? :)

  10. Oh cool, I'm okay thanks. Just a bit of post gig depression :'( But luckily there's only 51 days until Wembley yay! Have you seen them live or are you going to see? :) I've seen them twice in Finland and I'm going to Wembey too as I just said hehe

  11. No problem-atique :LOL: How are youu? :)

  12. Yeah the small print would be fucking awesome, I would really love to hear it! I would loose it completely if i heard MK Ultra or CE. MK Ultra is such an amazing song, they should play it more! I'd rather hear it than Feeling Good, even though I love FG too. I think KoC is an awesome ending to a gig but it's so predictable and it's so sad when you see Chris starting to play the harmonica cos then you know it's over soon. It would be cool if they changed the last song often.

  13. Oh okay cool. All of you're favourite songs are pretty amazing! I hope Muse will play The Small Print, CE and MK Ultra at Wembley. I've seen Muse twice but never heard MK Ultra and it's such an awesome song that I neeed to hear it!

  14. I'm going to Wembley too, on 11th. Do you have standing tickets for the both days or seats? Yeah at Kaisaniemi Park. :) I was a bit confused when they started with Exo but it was pretty amazing! And Uprising was golden. And Bliss! <3

    I've been a fan for.... a bit over 2 years. What about you? My favourite album is Origin of Symmetry and favourite song is probably Citizen Erased. Yours?

  15. I'm awesome thanks! Just saw Muse live on Monday on the first row, I'm still pretty much in heaven :D And we saw Matt, Dom, Chris and Tom after the gig too! They were going by their car and they had to stop at the traffic lights and we were just walking there :awesome: We screamed and jumped waved and I showed them our Muse-sheet :D They all smiled and Dom waved back and gave us thumbs up! That was the best night of my life :LOL:

    Have you seen Muse live? :)

  16. Heyy! How are you? :awesome:

  17. Heeyy I added some pictures of the gig here and I uploaded MK Jam and SMBH to youtube :)



  18. Btw I'm just adding pictures of Monday here. :) And I uploaded MK Jam and SMBH to youtube yesterday!



  19. Ooo yay, sounds cool! :D And that's not good :stunned: But yeah enjoy your holiday! When does your school start again? I only have like less than 3 weeks of holiday left. :mad:

  20. Yeah it was soooo awesome! I know I should have done that! After we saw them, I started thinking like why the hell did I let them go :( But I guess if I had stopped them, they would've just thought that I'm such a weird and scary fan. So it's good cos I'm pretty sure they thought I was a nice Muse fan who was just really excited to see them. :) hehe

    I'm so sure that your gigs will be even better! Like, Muse 3 times in 9 days! That's so awesome!!

    I got pretty nice pictures, I'm just uploading a few of them here! And I also uploaded MK Jam and SMBH to youtube!



  21. Oh yayy! Great! :party: Are you then going to do something special tonight? :)

    I'm awesome thanks! Though I can't walk pwoperly, my right leg hurts :LOL: I love the pain after an epic gig :LOL:

  22. Haha :kiss: From now on, I love traffic lights! :yesey: I only had Resistance, KoC, Starlight, Stockholm Syndrome and SMBH there, because those were the only songs they had of Muse.

    But heyy, how are you? :awesome:

  23. Yeah I know :L what?? that's so fucking stupid! why the hell did they have to stay at the front row... :L that's so selfish and immature

  24. Yeah it was so awesome! I still can't believe I was that lucky :stunned: Usually I'm not lucky at all... :LOL:

    I was queuing quite at the front but some people had come there the other night and they got these wristbands and they got in an hour before we got. :/ And there were 100 people with the wristbands. -__- Everyone was like WTF and just booed at them when they got in. :yesey:

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