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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. ah i've seen this before. :p:chuckle:

  2. i want snow. :shifty::LOL:

    i don't even have a wii. i play my friends'. :p

  3. :eek: nice! and send me this video! :LOL:
  4. yes :'( hit my head on a fair ride over the weekend and i've had splitting headaches ever since. :facepalm: le sigh :LOL:

    40 days till DD! :happy:

  5. very nice :D i haven't played in a couple days, been busy and sick >.<

    but with i'm about an hour or two into both of them. :D

  6. snow in october?! :eek: i don't get snow till january or february! even then i'm lucky if it snows. :shifty:

    i fail at wii. besides tennis. i rock at that. :LOL:

    as for me i'm uploading something to flickr. :happy:

  7. yup it wasn't fun... :LOL: but i had a nice time at the fair regardless of my sick and wanting to leave. :rolleyes:

    what are you up to?

  8. oo i have a scar under my lip from where i tripped & fell (it's from my teeth, i was biting in the spot over my chin and below my lip) and it was from ages ago. it's still there. :shifty:

    yes! :LOL: it made my headache even worse. :indiff::p

  9. that's something i would of done as a child... :LOL: :LOL: haha i'm a klutz. :p

    oh and to help my headache grow yesterday, when me & my boyfriend were on the ferris wheel, he tried to put his arm around me and elbowed me right above the eye. :facepalm: i yelled at him. :LOL:

  10. i bonked my head on a ride real hard a couple times. :shifty: haha but i'm fine now. :happy:

  11. :LOL:

    i'm great! went to the state fair for a couple hours today... got a mad migraine and my feet hurt. :shifty: about to go to sleep even though it's only 7:35. :LOL:

  12. welcome back! :happy: howr youuu?

  13. :D

    hey i gotta go! talk to ya tomorrow :D

  14. neither can i... i've got a countdown i'm going on facebook for it. :LOL: so far, 44 days! :D

  15. if i can't find my PS2 it's all i got. :LOL:

  16. :happy: all i need to do is find a ps2 emulator and an okami rom. :D
  17. yikes i'll have to find it and download it on my computer then. :p

  18. i have a PS2 somewhere but i don't know where. :LOL: probably somewhere up in the attic. :p

  19. i always do bronze code hehe.


    hmm not any recent once have come out that i like since i prefer a handheld, but i guess any mario or pokemon games. :facepalm::LOL:

  20. that was such a pain!! :indiff: took me nearly 30 minutes to get it right. but it is worth it in the end! :)

  21. i know! :shifty: they'll be the death of me. hahaha. but once there are 8 palyable characters in TLA things just become easier. ^^

  22. i've beaten dullahan first try lots of times. :LOL: he's easier to me than deadbeard is. :p but the star magician is the worst... i HATE battling him. :shifty:

  23. crossbone island... such an epic place. :happy: the first few times i couldn't get all the way through to save my life. :LOL: but deadbeard is an epic boss. :D

  24. i just started the first one today. right now i'm about to recruit ivan :awesome:

    i should too... hmm i'll ask gamestop tonight to. :p do you know what it'd cost to preorder?

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