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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :pope:

    bass is so much fun!!!

    it's a lot differant than guitar, you play differant

    and if your good at writing music, bass can be amazing :awesome: same with guitar

  2. same :happy: i only have two more weeks of school . . . dreaded school . . . :supersad: then break! woot :)

  3. xD i love soldiers poem :)

    my first song on guitar . . . i believe it was either falling away with you or unintended

    on bass? hysteria :chuckle: no doubt about it, first time i heard it i had to play it. at first it was a fail :facepalm: but i kepy playing it over & over & over & over . . . eventually got it :awesome:

  4. ^_^ summer is only nice because of no school and vacation but other than that i hate it :LOL:

  5. yes :facepalm: hehe

    i've been playing bass for about a year, guitar for a few months, taught myself to play both of them and are better than my older brother who's been playing both for yeard :chuckle: and i do get better by practicing muse riffs! :awesome:

  6. meh, i don't like summer :facepalm: it gets way too hot . . . i hate hot weather :eek:

  7. ah, well happy early early birthday ^_^ mine's in about 47 days!

    i love winter :)

  8. haha, well actually the same as you, other than the board i've just been messing around on the bass guitar since i broke the E string nob on my acoustic :supersad:

    it might snow tonight!:dance: so i'm excited for that

  9. hey, i'm great, just having a lazy saturday, hoping for snow tonight :dance: i can't wait!

    and what about you?:awesome:

  10. :LOL: thanks ^_^ and that's good, what have you been up to? :dance:
  11. hi ^_^ how have you been doing latley?

  12. hey there :awesome: how have you been latley?

  13. hi ^_^ how are you today? :):awesome:

  14. hi ^_^ how are you today? :awesome:

  15. haha, alright, if you want to ^_^

    i'll post the avi on my flickr to get the origional big-ish size

    thanks in advance ^_^


  16. :awesome: thanks :LOL:

    i'm listening to blackout at the moment ^_^ from HAARP

    roaming around the board . . . very bored

    hey do you know how to add the santa hat to an avi? do you use photoshop or something? o.e

  17. hi, how are you? what are you up to?

  18. 4158222867_a63a5484f1_o.jpg






    *twitch* e.o

  19. oh goodness:LOL::LOL::LOL: that would be the most amazing thing ever! :chuckle:

    i can only imagine . . . dom had better wear a dress! a perdy dress :p

  20. :eek: they should of told someone! or invited me! :chuckle: i bet that picture

    <--- will be true one day! :dance: that'll be the day . . .

  21. :LOL: like in my avi . . . dom's the bride! :chuckle::dance:
  22. well . . . dom is a bit feminine :chuckle: so it makes sense

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