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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. lolzthreadftw :D

    ^_^ that . . . is gold

  2. :facepalm::LOL: haha well, music always saves from trouble :awesome:
  3. :awesome: you're lucky you even have a winter dance!

    lines, i wouldn't care, i'd just wait with a friend or listen to music to pass the time :awesome:

  4. haha, i don't know why :ninja: wasn't in a good mood? XD

    sweet, we got ours put up at the end of november :awesome: and our school isn't having a winter formal this year :facepalm: stoopid school

  5. alright, i guess! didn't go to school today :ninja:

    and what about you?

  6. :party: it's dommeh's birfday! :party:

    lady(?) gaga is so discusting . . . me and Todd's girlfriend are sitting there like :facepalm: she's such a freakkk!

    todd's like "but she sings goood!"

    me: no she(?) doesn't!

    todd: shut up, you traidor!


  7. :LOL: yes i did :noey: it was so cold!!! :supersad:

    ewewewie, i'm listening to my older brother blast lady gaga from his computer with his girlfriend . . .:wtf::phu::mad::facepalm:


    i just found the rudolph smile :LOL::rudolph:

  8. at the moment it's 50.3 F ^_^ but it was 27F this morning! D: talk about freezing on a bus with metal walls . . . and forgot a jacket too :facepalm:

  9. goodness, that boy's 32 tomorrow! :LOL: can't wait to celebrate :party:

  10. thanks :awesome:

    what are you up to? what are you doing today(if it's late there what did you do today)?

  11. hey i'm great, enjoying the somewhat-snow (more like frost) . . . got some good pictures of it though ^_^ and how about yourself?


  12. we had frost this morning :happy: not snow but it's really better than nothing!

    i posted pictures on my flickr - flickr.com/peaceout258

  13. just sitting here, being bored, messing around on the piano, (trying to teach myself :chuckle:) and wishing it would go ahead and snow!:xmas:

  14. same . . . i've been dealing with the loss of my grandmother for the past couple hours, but i guess i'm doing fine

    what have you been up to?

  15. goodness xD get some sleep, you don't wanna be sleepy and doze off at work

  16. xD yes, i know

    and you should go to bed if yourr tired. i don't know where you live, but it's probably late. it;s only 4:40PM here :3

  17. how cold is it where you live?

  18. :awesome: i could but they don't like muse . . . the keyboard likes B&H, piano thing and space dementia, but that's only cause i showed him and didn't say who they were :facepalm:
  19. with my band? christian rock :happy: but by myself i like to play anything death metal through muse :awesome:

  20. xD well i do play at a small venue every wednesday for about an hour with my band, but i don't play nearly the stuff he plays :eek: but i still really think the burn would kill my finger! D:

  21. thanks ^_^ and it might snow here tonight! i just really hope it sticks . . . it's only supposed to be flurries but i really want it to stick, it's very cold here now, 44 F at 3:25 in the eavning!

  22. oh, i know :pope: it looks terrible! :supersad: poor boy

    i've played for hours at a time and never gotten anything even close to it . . . if anything my finger muscles were a bit sore! nothing like that though . . .

  23. hi :happy: i'm fine thanks, just tired and waiting for it to snow :eek:

    and how about yourseld? :awesome:

  24. i've never had a bass burn but my fingers have peeled from acoustic a lot :eek:

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