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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. americans are weird ikikik :facepalm:

    I WANNAAA i would if i could but i can'ttt

  2. ah, i've played the bass for a year on friday! :happy: only guitar for about 4 months, but people say i'm pretty good :awesome: i don't play piano either, i just fiddle around once in a while

    i'm learning the upright bass so i can play in my school's jazz band next year :awesome:

  3. i love playing new born on piano :awesome: i can play the intro, and the riff after the piano intro, and the bass line but that's about it :awesome: but i'm no piano god like mafoo! :supersad: i can play the b&h solo, but slowly and not near as flawlessly

  4. and sorry for the late reply, i was trying to jam to mk ultra on guitar :happy:

  5. whaat? :eek: of course i wanna be your friend!

    i have plenty of friends that are differant religions as me and it doesn't get to me that much! :eek: why wouldn't i wanna be your friend? :noey:

  6. ah, being a deticated christian ill have to decline xD sorry though. :)

  7. ah, who knows, only time will tell!

    if there ever is a way i'll join your band :)

  8. nah, i went grocery shopping with my mom, and stayed home roaming around the forum all day :chuckle: you do anything today?

  9. i've always wanted to live there, so much better than america :facepalm: we could room together! :awesome:

  10. i could play drums and bass at the same time for you, once someone figures out how the hell to do it :LOL: i'm in my youth group's praise & worship band at church, i'm the bassist but i also know how to play guitar and a bit of the drums

  11. ah, like american's aren't jerks either :shifty: i would love to move to london sometime after college! maybe stumble into mister right :chuckle:

  12. i would love to do something that has to do with photography, music or weather as a job, but i have no idea what yet :facepalm:

  13. blah, did nothing to him, just left him alone

    and that sucks :noey: i don't see how guys can be such jerks, jerkier than humanly possible :facepalm: but eventually you'll find a few you love to death :)

  14. :D i'm staying here for college to go to NC state uni, but after i graduate i'm going to london or someplace in europe and traveling :awesome:
  15. england!! i'm going to move there one day :aweseome:

    it's 6:55 at the moment, i just finished supper :happy:

  16. that really sucks :'( i broke up with a boy summer of 2008, he got a bit too drunk and high, and tried to sleep with me . . . lost all faith in the male species ever since.

  17. ooh, nice! i've never been west of nashville or north of north carolina :shifty: but i've been to flordia on vacation! it is fun :happy:

    what time is it there?

  18. being a girl is :awesome: and :supersad: at times! guys can be jerks to us but i do enjoy not being the jerk! :chuckle:

  19. ahh, down south! i've never been over there

  20. yes, i'm in america as well! i'm from apex, NC, where you from?

  21. oh, i've had that before . . . youth group went to the lake, i just sat lonley on the boat dipping my feet in the water while everyone's having a good time, it really does suck :facepalm:

  22. alright forgy!, *handshake*

    where are you from? :)

  23. what would you like me to call you?* :LOL:

    i'm katie, nice to meet you :happy:

  24. oh i know i love threads :awesome: ness

    that really does suck to be sick around the time of your birthday, i was sick at my last birthday in january :facepalm: couldn't be bothered to go anywhere or do anything

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