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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: thanks 8 months ahead of time :p
  2. omg liz this is amazing i'm always correcting my friends and parents, that's one thing i'm really OCD about
  3. :LOL: 178 days left :awesome:!

    i'll try not to get squished and pumbled at the barrier :LOL:

    and happy early birthday! :dance::party: hope you have a totally awesome day :D

  4. i will definitely make the most of it without hurting myself :awesome:

    i love countdowns :happy:180 days now but i don't know the last time i've done a really big countdown like this, well i counted down the minutes till 10 yesterday at school, (that's when todd was buying me a ticket):LOL:

  5. :awesome: i've got floor tickets! and it will be my first muse concert indeed i can't wait at all :awesome: 181 more days :facepalm:
  6. i got GA tickets :awesome:

  7. yes i would love three more :awesome:! i'll probably end up sewing it back up or something, i know i'm getting a tour shirt when i see them in raleigh in october! :dance:!

  8. my left hand was attacked my a marker today and it's come off on my face. MY BROTHER'S BUYING ME A FLOOR TICKET TOMORROW. i love him
  9. :LOL: glad you like it :happy::)
  10. :LOL: well it was a really long time ago (begining of the school year) so i don't think eclipse had come out yet but she claims that muse are one of the best bands ever i'm like TAKE YOUR GLITTERY VAMPIRE BASEBALL AND GTFO :fear:

    i have 3 shirts :happy: one has a hole in it though :eek: i have no idea why :sad:

  11. ohhh same :awesome: i know one chick that said she liked my muse shirt one day and i know she's into twilight like, a lot (she's almost as addicted to it as i am to muse) and i said name two songs... she said SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE. me: *has a evil look*, her: :stunned::erm: *walks away slowly*

  12. ewarhiaeoifwjheofinasfe

  13. wefdjowaehfownhvfouwvnoeurbvgoeragas

  14. sdfkfjoaisenfoeiwnvoervnowauighorfgtwea

  15. iueryiwuehfksdjvnksdjvnkadjncvaijfnask

  16. i know a friend that does like muse but she doesn't go to my school and all my friends at school either hate muse or like uprising/TiRO/UD and that's it.

  17. INORITE, i think that some of my friends actually do like muse but don't want to admit it, since i'm always fapping over them and stuff and they're like "muse suck gtfo".

  18. aww thanks :LOL: i actually didn't make it, but it's been saved onto my computer for a little more than a year and i used it when i made a messageboard account :happy: the photoshoot your av is from is :awesome:!

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