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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Whats the present:LOL::unsure: thanks:D My friend told me that she saw a guy wearing a muse shirt at our school, i was like :stunned::eek::awesome::D:musesign:

  2. :LOL: They havent come yet, just bought them:LOL: But they wont come until a couple od days after the 22nd because resistance will be realesed that day:'( I bought this: http://muse.mu/shop/product/198/ladies-uprising-t-shirt/menu/11/clothing/ and this: http://muse.mu/shop/product/190/ladies-pyramid-oct-dec-09-tour-dates-t-shirt/menu/13/womens/ and this: http://muse.mu/shop/product/236/resistance/menu/2/music/

    What did you buyy:eek::LOL: OMGAAWD I heard UD in mtv:musesign:;):LOL::stunned::eek::happy::rolleyes: *my army*

  3. Aww, fun:dance: My day was awesome, cause I bought two shirts and Resistance single bundle:dance: But now im trying to work on photoshop for a poster thing for biologi, but it keeps letting me down:cry: Must fix computer:facepalm: How was your day?:happy:

    EdIT: I failed at crying smiley :'(

  4. Oh darn it.:fear: Why, where are you going!:eek: Sorry for replying so failish late. I didnt notice my notification:facepalm:FAAIL! Mine too:noey:

  5. Ofcourse at six will be perfect:LOL:GIMME GIMME GIMME A MAN AFTER MIDNIGHT:LOL::LOL::dance:

  6. :LOL: It's a pleasure to live in a cave:awesome: COMEEE IN MAAA CAAAVEE:LOL::yesey:
  7. OMgaawd. Genious how come I haven't heard that song? I live under a rock:ninja: And your sig is awesome:LOL::\mm/::yesey:

  8. What song is that:LOL::facepalm:

  9. I dont know:LOL: HAHA Staaaaayyin' aliiiiaiaaaavee:dance:

  10. I was interrupted. My friend wanted to tease me :LOL: continue message: I do, but only If you do!:fear:

  11. Ofcourse i do:yesey: But:eek::fesr



    TThats what she said:ninja::shifty:

  12. no thats not random because you want to meet of because of my awesomeness:yesey::( i have to go now see ya tomorrow:kiss: i want to meet you to:awesome:

  13. it came to sweden in september bought it the first day:dance: I have the box set:awesome::yesey:

  14. oh la la french:awesome:you speak 5 :eek: well i also have the resistance. Bought it the on the 14th:dance: but resistance bundle thing. I only have one. :facepalm:

  15. haha whY did I imagine greek letters as russian or japanese like:LOL:are they?:chuckle: aw happy to know my romanianlatingreekenglish friend. I had a pretty normal day but tomorrow im gonna buy resistance and a couple of shirts finally:dance:

  16. oh yes greek letters are hard:yesey: I want to learn japanese and italian:LOL:dont think it would happen though:facepalm: how was your day btw?:happy:

  17. Yes I can speak arabic too:happy: My parents are from Palestine but i was born in Sweden. It actually translated muse:LOL: but youre learning:awesome:

  18. can you read arabic:eek: i cant has nice colors im on my phone now:facepalm:

  19. TELL MEEEEEE NAAAAAOOO, NAAOOO. *the only thing i understood in that sentence was pwopa:yesey::awesome:kiddin' You don't have the pwopa spirit condition to understand this----أنا يُحب ميوز DON'T THEEN!!:phu::fear:

  20. What did you give me?:supersad:I WANT THE TWUUUTH:fear:

  21. Ok so am I:phu: :boobs: What did you give me THIS?------->:fear:THEN I'LL GIVE YOU THIS---->:afro:

  22. OMGAAWD What are you posting young missy?!:eek::LOL:

    PFTFT Yellow:noey: TAKE THIS NON SMILEY-----> *moahahhahahaha*

  23. You edited your sleepy smiley too latee:fear::LOL: mohahahahaha

    Edit: I have beaten you:fear: TAKE THIS CABASA! :cabasa:

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