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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. NoO you were too latee


  2. yes you did. Bye :kiss:

  3. :eek::LOL: I dont want too sleep now but I have to wake up in 6 and a half hours:supersad: so good night see ya tomorrow:kiss:
  4. :LOL:what the..Oh so you're playing tough now:phu: OH NO:eek: now the bugmurderer's after me :eek:RUN I MUST RUN:ninja:

  5. yes hopefully:) ill also buy some shirts. I WILL DARE YOU:fear:*runs and hides*:ninja:

  6. :LOL:aww i want you to go with me:supersad: by the way have you seen that the resistance will be out:awesome: with popcorn. I think ill buy the bundle tomorrow:D im listening to hullaballoo. NO I WILL:fear:

  7. :LOL: no you'll get inside wembley for free. You'll stand on my shoulders and we'll wear matts red feather costume and they wont notice us:yesey::awesome: if you take a little bite first i'll do it after you:yesey:
  8. naaw, you can stand on my shoulders and they will think I'm very tall:awesome: cause you're a Giant:yesey: No, you eat it, or else I'll make you eat two:phu:

  9. :LOL: 19 september:awesome: that's 8 days after wembley:musesign:You're a giant jdkhfkjsdfskdjhfksd mohaha:ninja:. You can eat onions:fear::eek:



  10. Whats so obvious:LOL: Im hungry for some onions no just kidding:ninja: If I'm a big Ice cream then your'e a giant...[insert funny word here] When is your birthday?:happy:

  11. a digital piano!:awesome: I will:ninja: :LOL: August 4th. Haah cherry on top, what do you think I am? Ice cream?:LOL::LOL:

  12. I want to play piano too:supersad: I've been begging my parents to buy me one:awesome: Can I has your piano?pwweeese:kiss::dance:

  13. HAHAAH:LOL: I dont have the patience to do 10:LOL: No I don't have anything against bouncing blue elephants:LOL::ninja:

  14. Whaat how many were they?:eek:

  15. Who made that game:LOL:Genious!:awesome::noey:

  16. :LOL: What the heell:LOL:
  17. Oh I see:LOL: Who said I can read?!!! HA!:fear::LOL: What game are you playing?MOAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahhahahahahahahahaha


    Something with happiness?latin daa!:rolleyes:

    Im muchisimo fine, as I said before! Can't you read pwoperly?:fear::LOL:*even more psycho laugh hmohahahahahahhahahaha*:ninja:PAWND How's you?:happy:


  20. why cant those twatlighters realise what they are doing:noey: and bleeh. I have to sleep now see you tomorrow. Good night:kiss:

  21. naww. Holy lala! :LOL: cant. Breath. Im sitting in my room and i started to laugh so loud that i actually woke ty my cousin:chuckle: i couldnt even in through it all. Whats the twilight symptom?:ninja:

  22. :LOL: aww thank you:kiss: my day was kind of normal nothing exciting except muse winning 2 bandit rock awards here in sweden:dance: how was your day?:D
  23. im not sure why I suck at it...Oh whait its because Im a coward and i generally suck at most of the stuff I do except school:wtf:*no I suck at that to* omg stop snowing:fear:

  24. I suck at skiing:LOL: :awesome:

  25. haha:LOL: I also do that to my bro:shifty: today was better than yesterday. My parents bought a built in coffe machine today. That was fun. But i didnt do alot of homework:( how was your day?:p

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