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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. i have seen that movie too:LOL: SO hilarious. I want that name to:awesome: well not really:ninja:

  2. maybe :LOL: well im not sure how romanian music sounds like but the old arabic music is very original but the new is like wannabe pussy cat dolls gone trashcan. :noey:

  3. yes similar:yesey:

  4. what the:LOL: arabic, i know:noey:

  5. that sounds like fun though:LOL: ill give you some food:ninja: better than staring at a white wall at home like me:LOL: wow cool it must be worth a lot:awesome:I wish my parents would listen to some good music. They mostly listen to old arabic music:LOL:

  6. What are you doing at the mountains?:LOL: take it back:fear: now Im jealous:supersad: I want to finish my homework and book nao:fear::LOL:

  7. It was boring:supersad: I stayed at home the whole time, and I wasn't alloud to use the computer:fear::LOL: How was your day?

  8. :eek:dead? Ok:LOL:

  9. you're not?:eek:

  10. ohaiiiiiiiiiiiii:LOL: Im bored:supersad:

  11. aww how generous of you:LOL: good films day today eh? I have to sleep now thanks for this awesome coversation, sleep well and good night:kiss: see ya tomorrow:awesome:

  12. bach:awesome:

  13. Oh HYPER MUSIC:LOL: I want one Now!:fear: im listening to Emilie Simon now she has a very beautiful voice:D

  14. haha oh no:eek::LOL: why does it remind me of "birds flying high you know how i feel"?:LOL:kings:awesome:

  15. oh gmt+2:yesey: How can you stay up so late young woman:LOL: Im having a hard time typing with the phone it hurts my hand and has a sleepy effect on me:LOL: Im listening to easily:stongue:

  16. We have 2 big(summer and winter) and 2 small usually one week(easter and sport) this week is week nr 4.:LOL::eek: ruuun its time to ruun, and maybe kill some chickenbananas?:wtf: Its 11.23 pm here:LOL: and u?

  17. KFC:awesome: yes week 7, you dont count weeks ? :unsure:

  18. :eek: I also only had 2 hours today:ninja::awesome:. But we were to tired to do that:LOL:mc:awesome: but i prefer kfc:yesey: omagawd haven't seen them :dom::matt::chris:who makes these:LOL: I have one week brake week 7:supersad:*we must hide from that plane then:fear::LOL:
  19. I'll tell you when I'll see it:awesome:How was your day?:D

  20. Well thats an :awesome: movie title:LOL: yes i will check it up, Im watching the mummy 2 or something like that:LOL:

  21. :LOL: haha i suck at blowing gum balloons.:facepalm: what film did you see? :awesome:
  22. What are you saying dear dom tom? Seen a shitty film:LOL::eek:

  23. :LOL: :LOL: I have to go now see ya tomorrow:kiss: take care dom tom:LOL:
  24. Im not Spanish:LOL: You're a genius:awesome: Me too:shifty: I love mat(t)h :yesey: I've always dreamt of being in harry potter's world of wizardry:LOL: I tend to automatically love something if it has a even small musey thing in. Like today in english there was a man named Tom and I added Kirk to his name :chuckle:

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