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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. hide from the scary fridge:eek: naww think positive instead. Tomorrow you will do your homework and it will not take more than an hour right. And then youll have so much fun:kiss::dance:

  2. :LOL: I'm eating fruitsalad so I though I would wanna become a fruitsalad so hope theres no chickens to punish up. If you see a chicken. RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNN.:fear:
  3. Im listening to Hysteriaaaa\m/ and we'll pray that theres no chicken to punish us and make a fruitsalad

  4. :eek: whha whats the time in romania. Its the zeetas in the skyyyyyyyyyyyy!:fear:
  5. Spiderman wallpapers:awesome: We have a treadmill at home so I do that some time, but then i have to take a shower and I get all energetic again, so I recommend push ups or something like that:LOL:

  6. Haah "mega fail":LOL: Im fine Im actually watching Spiderman 3:awesome: I sleep like baby after doing some thing that gets me tired, like running or something:LOL:

  7. Ok byee:kiss:

  8. Yes:yesey::facepalm: It's been snooooowwing for to longg:noey:Whats up with global warming? Why cant the uv-rays from the sun shine on us and melt the snow!:fear:

  9. Omagaawdd what wrong with me.:facepalm:I'd better fail that to:LOL::facepalm:

  10. Fail numero dos!:noey::facepalm:

  11. Emilie Simon she's french and her songs are awesome. Very unique:happy: You should check her up:yesey: :LOL: I dont know what to think about that song, Its consists 150% of the words "prootect me from what i waant" I like the original one though also, well idont know:LOL::facepalm:

    EDIT: I posted this on my own profile:facepalm::LOL:

  12. I'm listening to Emilie Simon now, she's amazing and makes me wanna speak french:LOL:

  13. Naaw, so ypu do care about me:kiss:haha:LOL: Sleep sleep naaaoooo, *hypnotizing you**follow the banana* sleeep sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, when i'll snap my fingers you'll fall into sleep:ninja: or you just could listen to blackout, hyper chondriac music, shine acoustic and ruled by secrecy they always make me relax and sleepy:awesome:

  14. Maa.

    :LOL: hm..jag ska ta en titt, kommer jag aldrig tillbaka så vet du varför:LOL:
  15. Maa.

    :LOL: Jag vet inte varför jag inte brukar vara där:wtf:
  16. Why doesnt my notifications show up:fear: I thought you forgot:'(:LOL: Omagwad and you're not tired???:eek:

  17. shjdajshbdasdöneitherdidikasjdsadiihadtoscrollasdankjsdyourlastakjdhskajdmessagelkddanowkjdhftrytofindsdthisndamessageadsdasd!

  18. abra kadabra! :LOL: Tha mystery is solved:eek: Woowwww anotherrrrrr friewwwndddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

    :dance: i have no life:facepalm:

  19. I dont know like this äöwalfscg0qe8cryf7uietyfcvgbnhiddenmessage:9gvwhaiifdcpskldWEOIKF:fear::ninja:

  20. Yes I wish I could be like him:yesey::ninja::fear:fadhgdfhaedöwl,öld,anmdwjhdwoqwö.-

  21. :LOL: she sure is unique:awesome: Well now you kinda do:LOL: How are you?:happy:
  22. Haha ofcourse Muse is the only medication that the doctors recommend for us:yesey: I know cause I'm a doctor:awesome: I've always wanted to say that. Both real dr. and tha doctor (who)!moahahah:ninja::LOL:

  23. Oh no what have I done:eek::LOL: Well I listen to most of stuff but I like Kent, Radiohead, Coldplay, Justice, Bat for lashes, Björk, Kasabian, Franz Fedinand, Joe Bonamassa who is an epic guitarist and many more :D

  24. Aww, hope you'll get better *gives a video of funny muse moments*any better now?:LOL: NOO dont forget math!:fear:

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