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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. هة لثففهىل سحشةةثيي

  2. :LOL: slow down missy:LOL: What are you on?:shifty: Mushrooms?:LOL:
  3. Im not bored, she saw what I posted on your profile:LOL: Now were friends:LOL: Shes a clever one:LOL:How are you?:LOL:

  4. Woops lets spam, I forgot to say that im not fine and im very entertained (opposite of every thing)

  5. Caps lock:LOL: GOOOO TEEAM CAPSLOCK (with capsfail:yesey:) Yes you are, Its very rare that you become a legend so fast:LOL:

  6. Haha you saw that:LOL: I understand but your still ledgend:LOL:

  7. Ofcouurse:LOL: How are you?:LOL:

  8. DOOONNNT THIIINK SOOOO, but Im sure you've seen it before:LOL: You're :awesome::ninja:Just wanted to say that:LOL:


  10. :LOL::awesome: pussycatdolls:LOL::noey: they're :LOL: I just saw a comment that beatlesmaniac98 did on your profile:LOL: Gotta love this girl:LOL: Italy:LOL:Im pretty sure she will win noob of 2010:chuckle::ninja:
  11. :LOL: Another version?, No just this:LOL::http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A00eeUny8Zg Wierd happenings: New born, and death:stunned:Its a part of the supernatural,wohohoohhoho.:wtf: Oxy is my friend:awesome: no just kidding Im was on my phone so i mispelled "soo" and it became "oxy":LOL::facepalm: Aww Creeeeeeppp, smeels likkkee:awesome: Hyper, what's i dont need a man?:wtf::LOL:
  12. describes me or you?:LOL: if its you I think microcuts is your song just because whenever I hear it I think of the misheard lyrics and they are hilarious and so are you:LOL: :stunned: what thats wierd stuff going on:eek: thanks:dance: i love english its my favourite subject:awesome: but I tend to lose the plot often:facepalm: im on my phone oxy its lgiciglithogdicl.thplsiltiyienigli

  13. Maa.

    DFSDAHJKKASDJHFKJHASDFYUITEPDKW86323+92´KMASKMDBZSHJFjhgjhsgsjk*slår huvudet på tangentbordet*:fear::noey:

  14. Im very fine, I have a well almost english test tomorrow, were supposed to write about a topic that is unknown:noey: Im getting my best friend to listen to muse.:dance:she is now listening to easily:awesome:how are you?:happy:

  15. :eek: YOu scared meeeeeee!:eek:
  16. Maa.

    Wuut, från led zeppelin till TEChno:eek:WUWUUT:noey: *sorry måste bara skratta:LOL:

  17. Maa.

    I min klass har dom en lite mer acceptabel musiksmak. Det finns ett par killar som hört talas om muse och lyssnar lite, men dom flesta lyssnar på mainstreammusik. Fast det finns tre killar som lyssnar på den sämsta techno musiken :facepalm: det är typ två ord som inte ens sjung utan typ skriks eller nåt cp under hela låtarna om och om igen:fear:blää:vomit:

    Techno= :facepalm:

  18. Hej, trevligt att se lite Svenskar här och där!:awesome::ninja:

  19. :LOL:Bye:kiss:

  20. Michliplsli:dance:YAAAAAAY:dance: the only thing i understood in that was:muse, the resistance, smart guess:facepalm: and more but im stupid:LOL::facepalm: I have to go now have to wake ty early tomorrow:supersad:see ya tomorrow:kiss:

  21. haha :LOL:I love kids but sometimes you just wanna ignore them:LOL:

  22. We're :awesome::yesey: My brother was born first, I came after 5 minutes, and then my sister after 1 minute:LOL: Im so happy I dont have small brothers, I dont think i would be able to take care of them, just put them in a corner or something:LOL::facepalm:

  23. I dont know how its like:LOL: I have a brother and sister, I really cant see the difference between being a triplet, or just regular sisters/brothers. I'ts just a matter of age, but its fun:LOL: You're the oldest:awesome: High five! Im in the middle:supersad:

  24. :LOL: Ok I did this in less than 5 minutesI posted it on a couple of PDTs back and on lolz:LOL:, soo:



    It´s going well, were fisinshed noww, finally:LOL: I dont know If I have alredy said this but I am a triplet:ninja:

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