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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Aww, hope you'll get better *gives a video of funny muse moments*any better now?:LOL: NOO dont forget math!:fear:

  2. oh yes right how was the party? Aw:happy: im fine right now im at my cousins house:happy:

  3. I dont know on the profile post thing:LOL::ninja: how are you today?:happy:

  4. cool, Im 16;) Happy birthday in advance then:dance::party:

  5. ahh yes lovaeall of those too. I cant really decide so I have all on shuffle;) Btw how old are you?:happy:

  6. Umm, hard one...Right now its Stockholm syndrome, sunburn, PIB, TIRO, Spiral static, assasin, Exo-politics, uprising and exogenesis:D I cant really decide:facepalm: and yours?

  7. :LOL: If im guessing right Geléhallon, wich is a raspberry flavoured candy;)But nice one, very useful:yesey: Tjena;)
  8. Maa.

    Ja det får vi hoppas:fear: Du brukar inte umgås mycket i Banter?:LOL:

  9. Aww cool;)Guten Tag, Banane, only dutch i know, useful right:LOL::facepalm:

  10. I am from Sweden, so we usually spell it like Filip but also Philip:happy:and you?

  11. Oh nice:yesey: Now I got all curious, I Philip usually spelled with two P's?:facepalm:

  12. It is indeed:yesey: By the way my name is [insert random name here]. no just kiddin' no one will ever believe me:facepalm: Its Magdalena as you probably figured out.:happy:

  13. :LOL: Any special reasons for that name? It would make lots of things easier with that name:shifty: Or just the awesomest song:yesey:
  14. Is that a happy smiley or a :eek:? :chuckle::ninja:

  15. Maa.

    Typ vanlig, men har inga läxor som måste göras:dance: Jag köpte två par tröjor och resistance single "paketet" förrigår:awesome: med dom kommer inte komma förrän efter den 22:a:(

  16. Maa.

    Hur var din dag då?:happy:

  17. Maa.

    Ohai!:happy: Jag har tråkigt, underhåll mig!:fear::ninja:

  18. Haah:LOL: How kind of you:kiss: And being able to go to every one of their concerts:yesey:Or muse in your livingroom:ninja:

    EDIT: I just saw that you have done exactly 1000 posts in this forum:shifty::dance:

  19. sleep well:kiss:bye

  20. that might have been you:shifty:whait youre not a boy:eek: or are you?:LOL: yes i want:ninja:but now i have to go:'( see ya tomorrow:kiss:

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