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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Oh did anything else happened except your stupid ass teacher?!:eek:

    I only had two classes today:dance:

  2. Haha thanks:LOL:

    Ohh soon, but Im too tired to do it now:facepalm::LOL: How was your day?:awesome:

  3. Thanks:happy:










    Hmm, are they visible:wtf: If not you could open the link:facepalm:

  4. Yess mucho better, Im not into pink:LOL: NOOOOOOOOO SNOWWw:fear:

    The upload page, that you upload files and the give you a link thing, isnt working, how do you upload pictures?

  5. Haha Ok I'll take photosss**runs and grabs camera* Yes in the picture in the shop its pink, but It's puplre:LOL:

  6. YEES, but the uprising t-shirt was in purple instead of pink, which is :awesome: Popcorn vinyl is so beautiful, but I cant play it:fear:

    YES:fear: Naaw:kiss:

  7. NAAAAAAAWW, Our teacher gave us 4 new pages to learn the day before the test:fear:

    That fucking asshole, he deserves to be abducted by aliens

    Im fine, just got my vinyl, cd and shirts:awesome:

  8. Andraaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!:supersad: Where have you beennnn!:eek:


  9. Trevligt att se svenskar här, hur mår du?:awesome:

  10. Hello, Im soo tired I want to sleep:'( I feel worthless, I've been studying all day, and I feel like I forgot it all:'(

  11. Yes they are pretty cool, their lyrics are intresting:LOL: I do listen to them sometimes, but not always, I easily get a headache from metal music if played often:facepalm: Kill me now please:LOL: But its the right music to listen to if you're feeling energetic:awesome: thats soo cool, It went good but I have a math test tomorrow:happy: Just taking a little brake from the studying:LOL: Hope you're having fun?:happy:

  12. I posted on my own profil yesterday, I was saying bye:LOL: :eek:

  13. Fail № 7:facepalm:

  14. Its a she!:fear: You should she the way she stares at us! Her stare makes you forget everything! It goes through your soul, fills you with fear, and you start to shiver...

  15. No you dont!:phu: well i dont know really:LOL: I suck at Swedish..:facepalm:Well I just really hate my teacher:fear:

  16. Hah, well I enjoy chemistry the most:LOL: and other classes:LOL::facepalm: Thanks it helping:happy::kiss: NOO Whe missed it:eek: We have to make 200!:eek:

  17. Hah, tack för vänförfågan:happy:

  18. I got my chemistry test back today, I dont know what an 8 is but I only got two points wrong of 47:LOL: BLEEHEHE I wanna sleeeeeeeppep:'(

  19. I have physics on monday and swedish on friday next week:facepalm:

  20. im on my phone. Im studying cause i have a math test on thursday:supersad:

  21. hey:awesome:how are you?

  22. Hejsan, trevligt att se svenskar här och där:happy:

  23. BYEEEE:kiss::kiss::kiss:Luuf yaaaa roosterMETAAAL

  24. I have to leave now, I had a Lolzy time speaking to you:LOL: Hej då, a swedish bye bye to ya!:LOL: I should hide now:ninja::facepalm:see ya soon:happy:

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