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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Jaa:noey: Ja, vad klurigt.:stunned: Jaaa *håller tummarna* hur var din dag?:awesome:

  2. :fear: YES ME TOO!i have to leave now:supersad: I miss talking too you:kiss: see ya tomorrow. Sweet dreams:happy:
  3. I hate my swedish teacher too:fear: she also happens to be my english teacher too:fear: I dont have anything new im tired and I have a peanut for a brain if you didnt know that!:awesome: dO YOU HAVE SOMETHING NEW?:awesome::LOL:

  4. :fear: but I do enjoy chemistry:LOL: My day was mucho normal:LOL: iv'e been studying hence why im not responding fast and with some humor even though I dont seem to posses some:LOL:How was your day:awesome::afro:
  5. Im fine stu-dying:LOL: And you?:LOL:


  7. try I wish you sweet dreams with a lot of awesomeness:LOL:LUEE YA:kiss:

  8. yeah I was like what the hell is this? Im on my phone so I didnt know what was going on:LOL: mohaha

  9. :LOL: MY day was officially awesome thanks to you:awesome: i have to sleep now:supersad:see ya tomorrow:kiss:thanks.
  10. Was that the perv joke cause I didnt get it :LOL: more like a old lady joke:LOL:


  12. Haha thats the least I could give you the almighty queen of PMT:kiss::LOL: how was your day?:happy:

  13. :LOL: I dont remember saying that. Haha and I havent turned 30 yet:LOL: we also have womens day:LOL: you're always hyper give me some of your hyperness!:fear:I wanna hear perv jokes:LOL:
  14. Aha:LOL:COOL :awesome:my day was normal I had a test in physics and it went well:LOL: And then I ate at a turkish restaurant that has the most delicious food ever:awesome: how was your day?:happy:

  15. No not always:LOL: I also have history:fear: Aww you have music in school but I dont:supersad:Good luck then:awesome::kiss:

  16. :LOL: Yes you are!:eek::LOL: I'm now also writing grammatically correct:yesey::LOL: Im fine, how are you?:awesome:
  17. Happy Birthdaaayy:dance::party:





    A present for ya:stongue::awesome:Hope you'll have a awesome day!

  18. Heellllllllllooooooooooooo:dance:

  19. Vaa!:eek: Halv 6!:fear: Har aldrig slutat så sent förutom då jag själv väljer att stanna kvar och plugga:LOL:

    Ganska bra, har precis kommit hem från ett restaurangbesök:LOL: MUUMMSS turkisk mat:awesome:

    Men har lite historia att plugga:happy:

  20. Ja varför inte:LOL: Hur mår du?:awesome:

  21. Jaha, nä då bor jag närmare:LOL: typ 10 min till centrum:LOL:

    Hur var din dag?:happy:

  22. :eek::LOL: I havent got one. I have to sleep now see ya tomorrow:kiss:
  23. Woww, and in 24 h. So cool.:awesome: How are you? Here its 11.09 PM.

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