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Status Updates posted by pritijes

  1. Welcome to the board! Yaaaay, another pinoy on .mu :D

  2. I always use my phone. In fact, I'm using it right now :) That's too bad. I'm more active on twitter cos the app is easy to use. If only the muse app was available for symbian phones, I'd get on .mu more. I'm from Manila, Philippines. Planning to live in the US or ldn when I can :)

  3. I'm thinking about what to get myself. It being Muse related is a big bonus :) Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Hello there :) Have I spammed your Twitter or Facebook timeline? :p I don't get to check .mu that often since I went mobile. I'm too lazy to get out of my room and use the pc :LOL:

  5. Oh okay :D didn't get anything :( my birthday always sucks. It's like any other normal and generic day.

  6. Thank you so much! Yours was the only greeting I got from .mu and the generic email. LOL

  7. Happy Birthday Tom! Have a good one :D

  8. your avatar made me laugh harder than the 'sit the fuck down' clip :D

  9. thanks for the greeting :)

  10. love your username! it's one of my favorite movies :)

  11. uh huh. parang ang konti lang ng pinoy na mahilig sa muse :| but i love 'em! kahit na nakakainis yung mga nakikita ko sa mga pinoy forum :D

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