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Everything posted by Kris.

  1. omg




  2. TOMOROOW!!:eek:

    Jeni,let's meet after the show. :LOL:

  3. Hehe,I'm Kristiana. :)

    Omg,I'm seeing Muse tomorrow!!:awesome:

  4. :eek::eek::eek:

    Omg,can't wait!:awesome:

  5. Me too. :)

    Wow,it's sooo cool. :awesome:

    I've been waiting for this moment for 6 months,since the May when I saw in one latvian forum that Muse will be in Dublin. :eek:

    And now it's coming closer with every hour. :LOL:

    Okay,Jeni,I'm off now.

    Gotta wake up early. :mad:

    See you very soon,take care. :kiss:


  6. :supersad::supersad::supersad:

    Damn you,destiny. :LOL:

    Indeed,the pic is mega necessary. :)

  7. ;(

    Soooooooo sad. :supersad:

    Anywayz,I have to meet you. :(

  8. Ahoi,Alex. ^^

    Thanks for the add.

    I'm fine,how about you?:)

    3 days to The O2,omg. :eek:

  9. Oh noez!! :eek:

    Well,it looks like I have to stay at entrace 3. :supersad:

    Because that girl is not living in Dublin and she'll queue from 1pm only.

    Oh well,can we meet after the show at least?:supersad:

  10. Please,convince them. :LOL:

    We could queue together. :happy:

    I'll take rain coat,because it will be rainy..And pretty cold. :(

    Yeah,I thought about the same,there's no any toilet near,right?

  11. Aww,you'll be with your friends?:awesome:

    Hah,I'll be going alone. :LOL:

    Argh,I need 2 buses to get to The O2. :(

    Dunno,about 8am I will leave the home.

    I can imagine how tired after the gig I'll be. :D

  12. 3 days! :eek:

    Extremely unbelievable!!

    Guess what,I found a girl who will swap a ticket to me.

    Entrance 1!! :awesome:

    I will be there early,about 9am. :happy:

  13. Indeed. :D

    I've heard that they at Marley were absolutely amazing.

    I believe that's true. :happy:

    This time I'll not miss the gig for sure. :)

    And I want to see them in Riga next year hopefully and in Dublin again. :)


    Okayz,I'll go to sleep,working day tomorrow,ergh.

    Sweet dreams,Jeni. :kiss:

    See you very soon!

    *omg,does it really happen?:eek:



  14. :happy:

    Is that flag huge as mine?:awesome:

    I'll defo bring it,Muse have to see how much love from Irish fans comes. :)

    I'l try to swap.

    I've just read Wozo's gig story from Stocholm's gig.

    Wow,amazing.Can't believe to feel the same. :D

    Especially when I'll see Muse live the 1st time,cause I missed the gig in 2007 in Riga and 2008 in Marley cause I was in Latvia,damn. :LOL:

    But now,I'm ready than ever. :D

  15. Unbelievable.. Woah.

    Erm,I got Friday off.

    About 1PM,2PM or something.

    But I want to swap the entrance,I need the 1st one.

    Entrance 1 is da bomb!!

    Definitely I need to get to the 1st row,I have an flag,don't want to disturb anyone.

    How about you?

    After school,I guess?

  16. :chuckle:

    Awwww,it will only happen in our fantasy. :supersad:

    But I'm ready for his keytar dance with hips. :eyebrows:

  17. Yepeee,me too.

    Jumping up and down. :LOL:

    Hope to see Matteh in chicken's costume. ^^

  18. 10 days.

    Oh my,it's happening next Friday!!! :eek:

  19. I didn't find it. :supersad:

  20. I just wanted to say :

    AWESOME avatar! :awesome:

  21. Hello,there. :)

    I saw on your sig Dublin's gig you're attending. ^^

    Awesome,I'll be there too.

    Wich entrance?:awesome:


  22. P.S. I heard "Flash,ahhh!" on BBC Three New a few seconds ago,lol. :LOL:

    Oh,reminds me how Bells said the way of it,hehe. :happy:


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