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Everything posted by Kris.

  1. Ossum,I've been educated nao. :D

    Those 27F sounds creepy. :stunned:

    Brrr. :(

  2. Oh dear. :facepalm:

    I fail at F,the temperature here goes in C. :chuckle:

    I dunno how 27F is in C. :LOL:

  3. Cheers.:happy:

    How's the weather today?:D

    Awesome,sunny and warm morning was in Dublin,but later it became colder. :(

  4. Is it really 5 hr time difference?:eek:

    I thought it was moar. :chuckle: Oh,it depends of location probably. :)

    I live in Ireland,but actually I'm from Latvia,where the native language is not English. :chuckle:

    Omg,I freaking love your avatar!:awesome:

  5. I just realized that you live in the USA,time zone fail. :facepalm:

    It's 10pm here. :LOL:

    That's grate. :happy: Music is an awesome thing. :yesey:

  6. Hello,dear. :happy:

    Well,got home from work,the last day. :'(

    I'm drinking Martini nao!:awesome:

    How are you?:)

  7. I just realized that I can't go to bed,cause of those 2 new twitpics and new Lolz thread. :facepalm::LOL:

  8. A virtual warm up?:awesome:

    Jump up and down. :LOL:

    And a biiig group hug,squash together like a penguins. :yesey:

    Ohh,I need to get some sleep.A job tomorrow,another seeking for a job,Thursday the last day at current job,and huge hope. :supersad:

    Nighty night,sweet dreamz and see you later. :kiss:

    xx <3

  9. Wahey!!!:awesome:

    Twue,twue. :happy:

  10. Damn you,December!:fear:

    Hope to get moar sunny days,I'm sick of rain. :mad:

  11. Thanks. :happy:

    Ouh,is it cold?:eek:

    Well,I'm glad that today was the sunshine for a moment and it became a bit warmer. :awesome:

  12. Hello,dear. :kiss:

    Ough,a hard day,giving all my CV's today,Thursday is the last day on my current job. :(

    How about yourself?:)

  13. I don't see anything. :supersad:

  14. Aww. :(

    Okay then,see ya later. :kiss:


  15. I've been a good girl this year. :eyebrows:

    I can't wait either,but I already feel depressed about the pwesents,I dunno what to buy. :chuckle:

  16. Aww,thanks. :kiss:


    So soon,omg.

  17. Went to bed about 3am,I couldn't sleep at all,sister's son wasn't able,he just didn't let me to sleep. :shifty:


    That's awesome,love Halloween,hehe. :)

  18. I'm eating breakfast too. :LOL:

    Have slept only a few hours.:(

    Awh,thanks.Love your Mickey Mouse outfit. :awesome:

  19. Jeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. :kiss:

    How are you doin'?

    Ouch,I hate Sundays. :supersad:


  20. Hello again. :happy:

    So,my block is 205,level 2,you've been to another one,right?:chuckle:

    How was your week?


  21. Kris.

    Perfect breakfasst. :yesey:

    Awwwwwww,I just want to give a big HUG to Matteh. :supersad:

    1pm here and I haven't done anything,lol.

    I hate Sundays as well. :LOL:

  22. Kris.

    15hrs,omg. :LOL:

    I haven't even eat anything!:eek:

    When I read that Q interview about how Matt was feeling. :(

    Sad,isn't it?But I think he will be fine soon,I know,he's our strong Matteh. :happy:Then I feel kind of very bad too about that. :supersad:

  23. Kris.


    Yeah,really quiet today.

    What's up?

    I want to sleep,gosh,slept about 4 hrs maybe?:erm:

  24. Kris.


    I'm good,had a grate time these days,met so many people wich I haven't seen for a long time. ;)

    Arctic Monkeys on Thursday were truly fantastic,warm-up band Eagles of Death Metal were really good,the show was brilliant,I wanna go back. :(:LOL:

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