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Me Rug I Sty

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Status Updates posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Lucky. When!? What was it like?

  2. Do it as 8 to make it easier :yesey:

  3. N'aww it's okay :happy::kiss:


    I kinda guessed anyway :chuckle:


    See you later hopefully

  4. Aww :supesad:

    About 6 people know me in banter :chuckle:

    My first 2 threads were succesful, then it went downhill from there.

    My first was a which DVD thread,

    Second was basically where are you from, which went down well for about 15 pages, then faded

  5. We don't talk tv at school :chuckle:

    It's not the culture thing I dislike; Its more "they only tell us what they wanna hear" paranoid thought process :rolleyes:

    I was hated in banter (when I went their), and mostly ignored in MM. you know when you are a n00b you think you have all these great fresh ideas :chuckle:

  6. I must admit, out of girly lead singers (which I don't usually like cause they often try sounding like amywhinehouse) she is pretty good, and a while ago I did like a few of their songs... But they are too samey for me - and I know I'm a hypocrite (BHaR thing) :rolleyes:


    And I guess I don't really like that style of rock anymore.

  7. I dunno, when I came here I was pretty hated...:LOL:


    He says he doesn't own a tv cause it's force feeding us "culture"

  8. :facepalm:

    My sister was painting the butterfly from the paramore cover. It was good but THATS BESIDE THE POINT! :mad:

    I was arguing with her about them I said their songs sound the same (I just made that up, without evidence:chuckle: ) and she no. I said they only use the same instruments and she goes; "yes but they change chords and stuff :phu:"




  9. :yesey:

    He is little crazy, but I somewhat agree with the TV thing :$

    (but I still watch some tv:unsure: )

  10. Yeah, maybe. But isn't the whole point of troling to be anything but subtle?:erm:

  11. Yeah, he might be a piss taker, I dunno :LOL:

    But he posted. CoD thread right above another CoD thread :facepalm:

  12. :LOL:

    Yeah. That guy makes HEAPS of 'em. He has no friends yet :chuckle:

    But no one seems to hate him either..:erm:

  13. yeah me too. I was taking the piss, but then I had no idea what he was on about so I didn't do very well :chuckle:

  14. Or you could have block letters where the words are scatter around and it could say;


  15. I think that they might have to bring in laws about t-shirts if that was in the Muse store

  16. well, if you feel like being creative;



    Draw an artistic impression of a birthsqueeze :yesey:



  17. I don't think ANYONE knew what that thread was about :LOL:

  18. :facepalm:



    If I make like a graphic for one of those t-shirt maker things, how good quality does it have to be?

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