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Me Rug I Sty

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Status Updates posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. :LOL:

    You drive on the wrong side :phu:

  2. It'll be 25th here. I'm New Zealand:cool:

  3. :awesome:

    Wait, that's Christmas! (for me anyways)

    Where are you from?

  4. Okay cheers :awesome:


    No pun intended :facepalm:

  5. I'll keep that in mind :LOL:

  6. I don't drink it :LOL:

  7. :chuckle:

    Dont worry I know 12 year olds that have been comatosed :stunned:

  8. :LOL:


    How old are you?

  9. Same :(

    Not good for me. I try to drink lightly. :erm:

  10. :LOL:

    Problem with enegery drinks is I'm silly enough without added sugar :LOL:

    If I become a regular drinker that could be bad :unsure:

  11. I kinda like it :$ well I only like the expensive cappucino stuff :LOL:

    But what it does to me! :mad:

  12. I know. I HATE COFFEE! :'(

  13. Oh right! :LOL:

    My mum let me have caffeine last night, and I blame her for me being away at 3 in the morning :LOL:

  14. Ah, rallying doesn't seem to do much :(

  15. :unsure: what do you mean?
  16. :yesey:

    And healthier I believe :awesome:

  17. I don't see you too much :$

    Though I clearly noticed :LOL:

  18. Muse counts as an interest :p

  19. Really?

    I didn't think I got noticed :LOL:

  20. Meh, I probly won't change it so..:p

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