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Me Rug I Sty

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Status Updates posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Nope. Only downloaded it-not listened to it yet.

  2. I think it looks better.

  3. You just proved my point :p

  4. You sound like that all the time...:chuckle:

  5. I sent that PM twice :$

    The second one has the correct spelling of the PP album.

  6. Band; SilverSun Pickups

    Songs listened to; Panic Switch, The Royal We.

    Sound; is awesome a sound? I can't really explain it. They use eery synth and cool bass.

    Vocals; I don't like many female vocalists, but this girl is :awesome: Edit; it turns out the singer is a dude. The girl does back up.

    Best Song; Panic Switch

    Listen to more; YES!

    Other info; Go to their myspace song and you can download a free song :awesome:

  7. Band; The hives

    Sound; The music may have been also Punk? I'm not really sure, but it's quite cool. Not exactly and original sound though

    Vocals; The vocalist lives up to his nickname "howlin' Pelle Almqvist". He has a raw, untrained, untainted voice. I'm not sure if I like it yet

    Songs listened to;Tick Tick Boom, Try it again

    Best song; Tick Tick Boom

    Listen to more; yes.

  8. *prods*


  9. So you know, there are 5 people who are definetly in the Music Club, and 2 maybes. And I know someone who will probably join.

  10. It's possible. But how would I know? All I know about you is that you are Pakistani so you probably had darker skin... And brown eyes...maybe...?

  11. No, I meant when I said about my eyes....


    /grammar fail

  12. What were we taking about?

  13. But THAT was definetly a joke. Well I hope it was.

  14. :chuckle:


    Ugh. I'm so vain :facpalm:

  15. Actually, I think there's only one at the moment.

    I'll put some on from the holdiay.there aren't any close ups :awesome:

  16. *deletes facebook.*

  17. No flattering ones.

  18. I couldn't think of anything better.

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