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Me Rug I Sty

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Status Updates posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. No:phu:


    I went there once to piss people off:chuckle:

  2. Band; The Thermals

    Sound; indie pop/punk. Very generic

    Vocals; crap.

    Songs listened to; I don't remember and I don't want to.

    Listen to more; hell no.

  3. I don't know. They just did nothing for me :erm:


    I have. Lots. But not any more. I'd just rather keep it private :LOL:

  4. It's bad cause he will know more about my Muse problem :LOL:

  5. Band; The Strokes

    Music; I can't think how to describe it. They are rock though

    Voice; strong voice.

    Songs listened to; vision of division, ask me anything

    Best song; Vision of Division.

    Listen to more; I wouldn't

  6. Clearly :LOL:


    My friend knows my username :chuckle:

  7. I'm thinking of changing my name. Any suggestion?

  8. Making me feel old :p

  9. You're such a bully:phu:

  10. :awesome:


    I haven't watched it in 10 years :chuckle:


    Saying 10 years makes me feel old :facepalm:

  11. No. You made me a much worse person.

  12. and the other day I helped someone. Without ANY personal gain :eek:

  13. Something is defiently not right...

  14. Is that the kindest I've ever been?

  15. Sparkle is my favourite colour.

  16. They sparkle:awesome:

  17. :eek:

    No wai! Sleep now!

  18. Not nessecarily. It was wonderful before, I just made a few improvements.

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