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Status Updates posted by SkyWizardx317

  1. Lol.



  2. Yeah, perhaps?


    I last logged on Sept. 12. xD I missed a lot of stuff here. :p

  3. Oh hey.


    I miss you.

  4. DUDE.


    Tammika from MCCP. :) Welcome aboard. :-bd





  5. So far, so good. But, I'm still having a hard time on Chemistry. idk why :l


    Happy Birthday :D

  6. Lol, I'm from the Philippines btw. xD

    Haha, school starts here at June, and it ends sometime in March.

    Summer starts here at April and May tho. :p

  7. Don't call me Tammika anymore. :p

    Just call me Cammy tho. xD


    Lol, I'm kind of busy with school right now, and I'm having a hard time in Chemistry. D:

  8. Gabi! I miss talking to you! IDK if you could still remember me tho.

  9. Naw. *givesvirtualhug*



  10. Naw. *givesvirtualhug*



  11. :wtf:


    It's errr....uhm....in the Philippines?

  12. Only few who came from where I live are on the messageboard. :stunned:

  13. I'm from Manila. School starts there at June and it ends on March.


    Weird, eh?

  14. I don't know man. :facepalm:


    Gee, I only started school last June.

  15. Yeah. D: I'm so fucking busy with school right nao. :|

  16. Jaimeeeee. :D


    IMY. <3 It's been a long time since we've talked. :p

  17. Coooool. :p Lol. I went swimming a few days ago, and it was so fun. :awesome:

  18. Learning guitar + school in two days. :(



  19. Hey there, again. :D


    Just dropping by ;)

  20. Hey there, dropping by to say hello tho. :p

  21. No problemo darlin'. ;)


    Sorry for replying late, I was out for three days. lol

  22. alwighty then jaimee :D

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