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Status Updates posted by Mechagodzilla

  1. O hai! :awesome:


    How did helping the neighbours go? :chuckle:

  2. Hah you could say that I guess. :chuckle: Tbh I wasn't expecting any of it, especially not the money! Dad said we were cutting back this year so all I really asked for was CDs and DVDs.


    Oh really?! Awesome! Congrats! :happy::dance: what subjects are you teaching? Or is it a bit of everything?


    Me? Nothing much. School starts again on the 6th, which I am absolutely dreading! As usual, I've got alot of stuff to do for Art and Photography which, as usual, I can't keep up with. :facepalm: I've also got to get any University applications sent in before the 14th. Thing is, I have no idea what to do! :(

  3. Christmas was good! Got a new laptop, graphics tablet, turquoise skinny jeans and £300 spending money! :pimp:

    I went round a friends house and stayed the night for new years eve. She had alcohol but I didn't drink any, anyway it turns out she started puking from the Tequila at 3am while I was fast asleep on the sofa. :rolleyes:

  4. Thanks Aline! :happy:


    How was new years/Christmas?

  5. Hey, happy new year! :awesome:

  6. :(


    Sorry I left then, had to feed the pets and make cups of tea. Also, dad's in the room. :ninja:

  7. Yesh! :D It's not connected to the Internet yet though, I'll get dad to do that tomorrow.


    :eek::eek::eek: Woah that must've been terrifying! Glad you and your dad are ok, we couldn't even get the cars out of our street because of the amount of snow and ice lately. We've had to walk everywhere or get the train or bus.


    :LOL: Similar to what I've got then! This cold is making me feel awful atm and even though it's only 20 past 8, I think I'm gonna go to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. :happy:

  8. Lol nice! I get teh Wolstenbeast for februrary. :cool: and OMG my new laptop is red! :awesome: it's not glittery though XD but it came with the latest version of Photoshop and has a webcam! :D


    Oh I meant cutting down as in spending money on presents, we can't put any light up Christmas decorations on the outside of our house as we dont have any plug sockets near the windows. :( nevermind though.


    I'm glad it is tbh, I've come down with a hortible cold and I feel absolutely shit right now, I can't stop sneezing either. :supersad:

  9. Oh cool! I got Inception and alot of chocolate too. :chuckle: I also got a BRAND NEW LAPTOP (:awesome:), a graphic tablet for digital drawing (which means I could do that comic on the computer instead of hand drawing it on paper!), some other DVDs and £300 (that could buy me another guitar or two effects pedals or even an amplifier!)...oh, and a Muse calendar! :pimp:


    And we were supposed to be cutting down this year. :LOL:

  10. Heya Aline! Merry Christmas for yesterday! :D I did thanks, I got a new laptop and graphics tablet and £300 from my grandparents and great uncle! :pimp: How was your Christmas?


    Happy new year to you too! Hope to keep in touch! :happy:

  11. Hiya! Merry Christmas and happy new year to ya! :D


    Yes! I think that sounds like a good idea. :yesey and definitely agree about the snow, I went down to Mansons last tuesday (GliDidnt see the Glitterati there though) and the ice in our street is bad enough, let alone having to go down that big hill to get to the shop!

  12. Yeah not bad, got a bit of a cold though because of the weather, literally 3 inches of ice on the ground! :eek:


    Yeah! I got a new laptop! My old one died at the end of November which was a real pain...I got a graphics tablet too so I can take my drawing skills to a higher level! :chuckle:


    Oooh nice! What type? I only have a little Roland Microcube. :$

  13. Hey! Thanks for the friend request! :pimp: How are you? :happy:

  14. Heyyy! :awesome: Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too! :pimp: Get anything nice? :santa:

  15. Will do! I haven't touched that drawing in ages thinking about it. I tend to get bored or have another idea pop into my head mid drawing and start a new drawing instead without finishing the first one..infact most of my art rarely gets finished! :facepalm::LOL: I should really stop doing that. :$


    Aww bless them! :happy: But yeah, I think having Matt, Dom and Chris on your bed would be a step too far (even though I've got them plastered all over my Walls anyway!) unless it was like a live shot of the whole stage setup and lights or something - that'd be pretty cool. Infact, I would bed sheets of the Absolution or Origin of Symmetry album cover! Now that would be pretty sweet! :awesome:

  16. Heh thanks! I'm really proud of that one actually, even though it's not finished (I still need to draw the rest of the dragon :LOL:)


    Aww now that is awesome! I used to have a poster of that dragon.:awesome: My bed sheets are just a load of rainbow coloured circles, but at least they match the colours on my Resistance poster! ...sort of.


    Thanks for the friend request btw and have a merry Christmas and happy new year! :pimp:

  17. Yeah, not bad, just trying to sort out the CDs and DVDs I wanna get for Christmas. :LOL:


    Pizza?! XD iPhone predictive text can get really annoying sometimes. :noey:


    Oh god, I havent! I've only bought one present so far- The Script's new album for mum. Thing is, I'm absolutely skint right now. :facepalm: you?


    In other words....MATT's DROPPED TO NUMBER 4!!! :eek: HE NEEDS MORE VOTEZZ!!!11


  18. Heyy!!! :happy: How are you? I'm lonely and need someone to talk to. :(

  19. Hey! Yeah it was pretty good, got mum a christmas present; The Script's new album. I took my friend, Vicky with us and when Vicky and I were eating in McDonalds, we found a random dog just left outside the restaurant not tied up or anything! Apparently it'd been there all day :( so me and Vicky took the dog to find a police officer and we got talking to this choir group who told us that some woman was looking for a missing Spaniel. This woman apparently had a gap between her teeth, a bit bewildered looking and was wearing a wooly hat and a grey shellsuit - says it all really. But anyway, we left the dog with the choir group incase the woman came back (if not, they'd take it to the police station) but hopefully it got back to it's owner ok. :)


    Don't worry, being I'll isn't your fault! Hope you get better soon, especially before Christmas!

  20. I have an art mock exam on Monday too! I had to buy a load of union jack flags for it yesterday! XD


    FFFFUUUUUUUUUU IT IS! ZOMG I'm soooo not prepared! :eek: ahhhh help! :S


    Btw lol @ scary mickey! But waddabout this one?







    I be drawing dragonz at this moment in time and spaaaaaace! :pimp:


    And youz? :awesome:


    /random moment there. :LOL:

  22. RAWR!!









  23. Ahh don't worry! We ended up not going, we should be going up next Thursday though!

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