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Status Updates posted by choco_chia83

  1. Hi Miss Blee!

    Could you please change my user name to "Kvlt_as_fvck", please? The reason is I'm just bored with my curent username and I wanna be kvlt like that. please...

  2. aku tinggal di Indonesia (Medan). tapi sering pulang balik ke singapur kalo ada urusan kerjaan. jadi kayaknya aku gak bisa ikut acara gathering itu... T_T....

  3. hi yuri! just call me chia. jadi duonnkkk..it's MUSE ffs!! PEN A ftw!! rencana ngantri jam berapa babe?

  4. haihai!!!!

    Jadi dong... it's MUSE ffs!!! Just look at my profile pic (shitty webcam is shitty)!!! smile from ear to ear. he..he..he..

  5. he..he..yep!! eh babe..kalo beli tiket lewat sistic dari Indo bisa kan? mereka bisa kirim tiketnya ke indo ga ya? atau gw hrs ambil tiket lagi di authorized dealer di Jkt..?

  6. Hi there!! looking forward for Big Night Out in Feb. see you there!!

  7. yep!! kemaren aku baru dpt reply dr Javamusikindo (finally). they said they will still work it out. soalnya kemarin maunya Muse dtg 7 Feb 2010. but they said the schedule is too tight. just keep sending them tweets okay!!

  8. All Indonesian Musers unite and take over!!!!!!!!!!! guys, let's bring back our MUSE to Jakarta. I've sent hundreds of tweets @Javamusikindo, requesting them to bring MUSE back to us. help me!!!!!!!!

  9. Let's bring back MUSE to Jakarta!! I've sent hundreds of tweets @Javamusikindo to bring back our MUSE to us. help me guys!!

  10. Let's bring back our MUSE to Jakarta!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've sent hundreds of Tweets to @Javamusikindo, requesting them to bring Muse back to us. help me guys!!!! here's my tweet : @ch0c0chia. cheers!!

  11. let's bring back Muse to Jakarta!!!!!!!!!!!! I've sent hundreds of Tweets to @Javamusikindo, requesting them to bring Muse back to us. help me guys!! here's my tweet : @ch0c0chia

  12. life's great. thanx for the invite!

  13. Indonesian Muser, unite and take over!!!

    glad to know that I'm not alone here. cheers!!

  14. Indonesian Muser!!! unite and take over!!!!

    nice to nkow that I'm not actually alone here.


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