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Status Updates posted by shelbmuse09

  1. Haha, I'm trying! :p Aw, bummer. I went to that one. Lol. Are you planning any shows this year? Like the LA Rising one?

  2. Just ok? :erm: Haha. Not much. Working to make money for Reading and Leeds. :facepalm: Did we meet at all last september for any of the muse shows? :erm:

  3. I'm great! How you been? :D

  4. Haha, no worries. I have it. :)

  5. Uh, sorry, I have a boyfriend already. :erm:

  6. :supersad: You know you can tell me anything. Yeah, it's a major bummer you couldn't make it up here, but at least we only have a few days before we see eachother. :kiss:
  7. I hate leaving you. :supersad: Never again Justin. :noey:

  8. Heeeeey Jaaaann. Ok. So I'm talking to Sarah, and we're actually going to do the trip in 2 days. So we could pick up the flag if we stop in Sac. We do have a question. Uhm, do you think it'd be fine if we could rest at your place before we leave to drive the rest of the way down? if not, it's totally chill. It'd just be 3 people. Sarah, Justin, and I. Buuuut yeah, just wondering so we could save money or what not. Thannnnk you. :happy:

  9. hey was just wondering if you wanted to join skype tonight. most of us are on and maybe thought you'd be interested. anyways, just let me know. lol.

  10. Haha. Absolutely! And woman, you better be on barrier dangit! :fear: I'll PM you the lyrics. :happy:

  11. :chuckle: That's awesome. I should obtain this "iphone" that you speak of. Sounds neat-o. :D Haha, yeah, waitressing, is...interesting I guess. New people everyday. Lol. Unfortunately some of the fellas get a bit big headed and try to do things to catch my attention. :rolleyes: It's the worst part about the job I think. Other than that, it's fun. :)
  12. Oh really? That's awesome....and noooooo, I've never heard of an iphone before. What does it do? :p Haha. I'm goooooood. Working alot. Lol. Nothing interesting like discovering monsters in mexico or something. :/

  13. Why hello there sir. :) How are you? xx

  14. Lol. Alright have fun with Jackie Chan! :) It was nice talking to you as well! Speak soon uhm....er....snickerdoodle? Lol. x

  15. :chuckle: Awesome. And thanks. That did help a bit. Lol. Oh man, Jackie Chan? Best of luck to ya! :p
  16. yay for cheesey nicknames! :awesome: Lol. I don't really think any more booze would do well with the tummy. :/ Oh practice? For what?

  17. I'm dandy. Battling one of the biggest hangovers I've ever encountered. :unsure: How are you doing doll? :happy:

  18. Oh for sure. :p If you were Matt Bellamy, you'd remember. Lol. Just messin' with ya.

  19. check my pants? Lol...whaaat? Oh, so matt, you'll remember our encounter in Seattle then, eh? :) Bahaha.

  20. Lol, yeah, online finally. Haha. And what's up Mr. Bellamy? :eyebrows:

  21. Lol. It's all good. :) I'm actually a waitress now. *Need to update my profile. But yeah, I'm a waitress. Looking to become a flight attendant. Haha. Well, yeah. What about you? I know NOTHING about you. Haha.

  22. Loooooooolz. stalker. O.o Here for sexy plannneeee! :D

  23. Lol. That was good. Haha. Well, I live in Washington state. :p Chyeah, busy life here.

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