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Status Updates posted by alternaterealities

  1. Oh yeah, so productive. Haha love getting free periods :D Yeah, those speeches are stoooopid. Had some about folios today, twas super boring, but I've finished school now so yay :D

    Argh really?! I think most of my year level haaates science with a passion :p My best friend and I were in the same science class this year so we constantly talked and the teacher got rather annoyed, yet on our reports we got 'excellent' for class behavior :wtf:

    Oh lucky as, doing photography for work experience would've been great. What did you have to do?

    So excited about doing it next year :happy:

  2. Haha yeah I had my first day today as well, was pointless, because had an assembly, then this guest speaker, and then I had a spare for the last two periods. Didn't learn anything in the assembly and the only thing I got from the guest speaker was to trust my beliefs and values...or something. Idk.

    Yeah it was this stupid sports subject that I failed anyway. I missed a test in the last class that was supposedly a major part of the assessment. :rolleyes:

    Oh cool as, good subjects. Yay for no sciences lol, science = worst subject everrrrr! So glad I never have to do it again. Um, I'm doing English, Maths B (that goes into Further in year 12), Visual Communication & Design, History, Photography and year 12 VET Interactive Digital Media. Really looking forward to all of them :happy:

  3. Yeah my schools just as unorganised. We got given our timetables for orientation on Friday, went to go check our classes to see when we'd have each class, then they took the class list down to 'make some changes' and they're putting it back up tomorrow. Talk about leaving it to the last minute :rolleyes:

    Ha yeah, got forced to do like...3 subjects that I hated this year. I think I may have failed one of them. Meh :p

    Ahh, good luck! What subjects are you doing?


    I got it from the one on Flinders St, but the Melb Central one has them too.

  4. Exactly. I dunno what we're gonna even learn at orientation apart from what we'll be doing next year, cos no one's gonna have their books. Meh.

    Ah yeah getting into a good homework schedule is my main plan for next year, I spend waaaay too much time doing random shit. Though I'm actually looking forward to year 11, got subjects that I'm gonna really enjoy so it should be a good year :happy: So you're in year 12 next year I'm guessing?


    Thanks! Its from Dangerfield. :)

  5. Haha same here, anything I get taught in the next few days will go in one ear and straight out the other :p Soo psyched for the holidays! Gonna try and get holiday hw done in the first few weeks so I don't have to stress out over it...though knowing me I'll leave it to the last minute.

  6. Haha yeah, really can't be bothered doing any more work, this week has been so pointless, I did nothing at all. Had this big talk at school today about how orientation is going to be actual classes and not bludgy, which is a bit annoying because holidays are just around the corner. :(

  7. Hey, thanks! :happy: I did a lot better than I thought I would :p Nah not yet, last day of year 10 tomorrow, then year 11 orientation next week. Fuuuuuun...

  8. Hey, I'm good thanks:happy: You?

  9. it's at yarra valley performing arts.

  10. ahh ok. fair enough then.

  11. oh cool! have fun! who are you seeing playing, apart from england (i'm guessing you're seeing england lol)

  12. hmm not really. do you?

  13. wow you're really close by, I'm actually going to ringwood on sunday for a dancing competiton. I'm in eltham.

  14. Ok awesome. I'm half English too :happy:

  15. I'm just to new york for a holiday with my parents :D I'm so stoked to be in the same city as them...I won't even see them but still :awesome:

    I know, I wish I'd known about them in 2007 so I could've seen them then. Hopefully they'll be back here soon :D


  16. Oh cool as :) Why are you in England?

  17. Hey, I'm good thanks :) Just doing some epic requesting for Muse to be played on the radio :chuckle: Yourself?

    I'm from Australia, how about you?

  18. ooh yes the side shows, they would be rad.

    i'm grand. a bit tired but then again it's 1am :p

    argh thats so annoying. bloody 18+ comps :( i could've seen muse in new jersey with u2 this september cos i'm going to new york then but noooo its sold out :| oh well, i'm gonna be practically in the same city as them which is good enough:p


  19. hey, i'm georgia. nice to meet you:happy:

    yeah fingers crossed they'll be here for BDO.

    how are you?

  20. wow! that sucks :( hope you're feeling better soon!

  21. nighttime here for me. i'm not too bad. just reading through the treasure hunt thread. it's so bloody confusing :stunned::chuckle:

  22. thanks :) glad to be on the boards.

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