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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. Macbooks ftw!


    I got mine for my 14th birthday because I passed my Gymnasium-Exam! :awesome:


    I'm fine.

    It's weekend and I'm hangin' out on the boards... That's sad... :LOL:

  2. Hi, Becky.


    Howdoyoudo? :D

  3. Hello, How are you?


    Wait a sec. I think I know the awnser... 42? :LOL:

  4. :LOL:


    Deine Armen Freunde... :p:LOL:

  5. Ich mich auch noch nie. Museboards wären da die ersten... :)

  6. MK Ultra hat mich umgehaun!




    Oos is auch mein Lieblingsalbum. :)


    Vielleicht ändert sich das bald?!? ;)

  7. Gell?

    Magst du die 30 sec. Ausschnitte von TR?


    Also ich schon. :D

  8. Ach ja? Wuu! Ich auch! *Schickt ne Hi5* :D

  9. Jap. Seit 2 Wochen... Du?

  10. Mir gehts gut, danke. Das Lager war... Anstrengend...


    Wie gehts dir?

  11. Oh, and thank you for your comment on my vid. :D

  12. Bye. I think I gotta go too, because I have to learn a one-page-poem by Goethe by heart... ugh! :vomit:



  13. Could you watch this vid I made the last weekend?


    And comment and rate it, please.


    Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8dhKenRojI

  14. Hey, could you do something that costs you 7 mins of your live? :D

  15. I'm fine, how about you, The_Sock_that_Rocked ? ;)

  16. Over here:


    -It was rainy and cold.

    -It was the hottest week since 5 years

    -It was rainy and cold.


    That's about it :(

  17. Yeah... It begins to cool down... :(

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