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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. Hey, your User name is cool. Shining! :D


    (I still prefer It...) :p

  2. learning a bit maths (Test on Monday) French (exam on tuesday) and doing a lil' bit of Italiano...




    How are you?

  3. :LOL:

    I'm doing 'em now.


    Almost done... :D

  4. Bonne nuit.


    (Where is my Uprising teddy bear?)

  5. Oh, I'm (growing) tired, tomorrow school starts early, so I'm going to bed.

  6. Wait a sec... I spelled both wrong, innit? Argh! *Is too tired to spell korrecktlyyy*

  7. Oh yeah! *Hi5* We bove hate the limelight! :LOL:

  8. Oh lord...

    I had to learn a poem by Goethe by heart for last friday. I have learned so hard, but when I stood in front of my (new) class, I was so nervous... I couldn't even get 3 sentences right :supersad:


    Well, my teacher was so nice to 'erase' my mark, because it was the first test of the year... But still...



  9. Who doesn't??


    Oh, and I hate German with a f**king passion. :LOL: Srsly.

  10. À mon école l'histoire est très interessant, mais l'anglais, c'est :vomit::D

  11. J'aime bien l'histoire, la géographie, l'allemande et le midi. :D

  12. L'école n'est pas trop interessant. Et toi? Est-ce que t'aimes t'école?

  13. :D


    Italian lesson is over. :p


    Lozi, tu vas bien??

  14. Io Sono Cristoffero! E tu ti chiami?

  15. Look at the WTF game thread, if you want the awnser! :p

  16. Es ist sinnlos!

    Ich begreife diese Mathe-Aufgaben nicht! :supersad:

  17. Weisst du was? Ich muss jetzt die Hausaufgaben erledigen. Sorry. :(

  18. Bin gott sei dank kein Fussball fanatiker... :p

  19. Ich hab noch massiv viele hausaufgaben...

  20. gut eigentlich, und dir?

  21. Think I'm gonna leave now. Bye.. :)

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