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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. Why Thursday? Wut's up than? *wants to know!*

  2. You can. You can also come to Switzerland. We've got a huuuuuuge house over here. :D


    And most important of all:


    The Jonas Brothers had no proper breakthrough over here yet. :awesome:

  3. Yup.





    -Jerks for prez. (Bush, Nixon, I could go on forever)

    -climate change

    -You started the global finance crisis.

    -You are just assholes en général






    don't take it srsly... :)

  4. -Summer 5 Weeks

    -Autmn 2 Weeks

    -Winter 2 Weeks

    -Spring 2 Weeks

    -Sports 2 Weeks

    -Easter 1 Week



    14 Weeks holidays.


    Proud to be Swiss. :D

  5. Why?? Because autmn holidays start?

  6. It's cool. :D


    I did a hoodoo one, It was fun :D

  7. Yup. Oh, and your muse song quote tournament thingy is made of win. I sent one too. About the frustration because this forum is ruining my school career. :LOL:

  8. It belongs to my sister. We were bored when we did this one. :LOL:

  9. You mean that fluffy thingy? :)

  10. Hey, how'dyou like that. My photoshop skills fail, but however, I'm tired...



  11. I'm actually... Going to bed, or... That's what I wanted to do, until I realised I hadn't shut down the computer and than I saw that Muse Boards were still on and I couldn't resist. :facepalm:

  12. not much. Just watched a hockey match. Still haven't done my homework. Business as usal I'd probably say... :D

  13. Oh no! It's Chris! dun dunn DUNNN...



  14. Auf mich wartet der Hockeymatch :dance:


  15. Ich hab noch drei Prüfungen es gut zu machen, also von dem her...


    Ausserdem mach ich noch ziemlich gut im Unterricht mit, das hat noch nen starken Einfluss auf die Zeugnisnote...


    Ich muss mich einfach mehr anstrengen, aber weisst du, ich hab gerade eben die Schule gewechselt, da ist alles anders:


    -Neuer Schulstoff

    -Für jedes Fach einen Lehrer (Früher hatten wir nsgesamt 4 Lehrer)

    -Viel mehr Prüfungen

    -Viel strenger

    -und so weiter.


    Ich muss mich auch zuerst dran gewöhnen...

  16. Wir schrieben heute Italienisch. Ich hab's nach allen Regeln der Kunst vermasselt. :'(


    Wünsch dir viel Glück bei der Spanischprüfung. ;)

  17. Yay. :D Think I'll go sleepin' now, got an Italian test tomorrow. Night. :)

  18. Hey, I've got a question b/cause of the tournament, are we getting 1 or 2 polls per day? :stunned:

  19. Yup. No worries.


    I'm in Gymnasium right now.

    Before I was in Sek A.


    There's Gymi, Sek A, Sek B, Sek C.


    I'm in Gymi now. The main differance between Sek A and Gym is the following one:


    -Sek A: 3 YEARS SCHOOL, 3 years job. When you've finished with your job, you can go jobbing.

    -Gymi: 6 Years school. When you've finished, you can go to an university, but aren't qualified for a job. No worries. :)

  20. Yup school sucks. (Not always, there are few subjects I like)


    Worst: I've got 'Probezeit', that's when you kinda 'get onto a better school'. You've got 3 months full of tests and when you haven't got a average which is good enough, you'll get kicked out. :'(

  21. Yup. Yesterday. And I've got a match in about two hours. :dance:


    I'm such a jerk. I've got tons of exams this week (once again :'() and haven't done any homework until now. :facepalm:

  22. Hmm..


    I don't know. I didn't get most of the exams back, I'll get 'em next week. :)

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