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Everything posted by superimposition

  1. Some friends and I are having an Amnesia night this friday.




  2. sure thing sweetie



  3. That would be amazing. I think Aphex Twin was audio engineer before making music his main profession.


    Sigh I just suck too much on my instruments :(

  4. you are the coolest bitch

  5. I tried it because I wanted to see how my 'artsy brain' works under the influence of such substances. I wanted to see if it had an effect on my art. I wanted to listen to some of my favourite songs under that influence. I just wanted to make an experience, really.

    Not to be '''''''kewl smokan pawt'''''

  6. It was... nice. In a way. The taste was absolutely awful and appalling but I enjoyed the effect which was


    I could concentrate and I was very inspired like

    I was in a field of grass and I would listen to the crickets and watch the clouds pass and write poems and have no doubts and just enjoy the moment man. It was lovely.


    but it's not something i would do on a regular base because...

    iunno. i absolutely hated the taste.

  7. yesyesyes


    lucky fucker

    i went to a party too, yesterday. first time in ages. it was very enjoyable. i smoked pot for the first time ever :LOL::facepalm:

    wrote some really neat poems and fell asleep to this motherfucker of a song afterwards; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hQXSsbQCMs


    currently finishing a piece i'm doing for jake and then going to bed

  8. but that was such a good episode :happy: how are you mel?

  9. Aaah yes, I see. But which ones do you enjoy the most?

    I'll probably study either something along the lines of history or music because I'm doing good/decent in both of them and I actually like them.

  10. Had the exam today. It went... pretty average for chem, which is around a 50% :LOL:


    Physics exam coming up on Friday and I ought to start a history essay. I'm currently having a 96% in history so I'm tempted to do nothing at all hahaha

  11. how RAD have you got the link to the artist's gallery?


    There's so much shit on deviantart, it's good to see decent stuff again. :LOL:

  12. So, how did English go?

  13. Same, man. :(


    I don't have any motivation to do anything, honestly. You ought to know, down here we don't even get to choose our subjects. We have to take all of them. Needless to say, I just don't see a point in learning chemistry or physics if I'm not planning on studying anything even remotely near to those fields.


    It is spacey as hell. Also;


    Mum are fantastic.

  14. Yes. (:

    And you're a mighty Brit huh?

  15. one hour ahead of you. always. (:

  16. aww :\

    man it'd be reasonable to go to bed soon but I'M SUCH A REBEL

  17. ah it's only 45 minutes. Down here we don't actually have exam weeks but instead we have like

    loads of smaller (45-90 minutes) exams thrown all over the semester. I actually prefer it that way; if you screw up one of the exams in a subject you still get to make up for it in two others.

  18. Wednesday. Yours?

  19. oh man i do hate chemistry

  20. Could be doing better, as always. Avoiding chemistry revision, I'll probably fail this one. Not much otherwise. Drawing. My life is boring, haha.


    Sup with you?

  21. also how are you, man?


    will dunn well done :0

  22. what did it say?

    i swear i didn't post anything yesterday. :LOL:


    also i know right?

  23. also my avatar is the best thing

    isn't scaring people the purpose of ghost pokemon

  24. What did i delete

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