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pose wetals

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Everything posted by pose wetals

  1. fine then i'll ring you :@

  2. same i apparently do his pout and i have arachnaphobia [spider thingy] and say/ do matty things laura is like dom but somtimes does matts laugh :)


  4. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    i like forgotteninjune :)

  5. sorry???

    i take it you like cheese :D

  6. COLOR="SandyBrown"]SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!!![/color]

  7. i dont think so

    im 'the mad one'

  8. yeh tho i call her judy to wind her up :D i go school wit her hi :D

  9. hi im louise kinda unkown on this message board thought i'd post on your profile :D hi

  10. where? at home?? y not?:S

  11. hello im friends with lozi how are you?:)

  12. not so busy now are you?

  13. umm ok i suppose

    just had bottom braces put on and they are murdering my teeth

    but yeah apart from that :D

  14. hi i'm the invincible dude's school mate how are you?

  15. heloo??? u still struggling with that bschool doc. hting?

  16. nofin i just felt it had to be typed =D

  17. pwease can youu put one of all three on??

  18. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


    i was unable to get all the ink off my hand lolage

    OMG they killed kenny 'gasp'

  19. asssy assy asssy

    hihihihihihihihhi mrs spangly hav u got msn pwoper yet? :p

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