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pose wetals

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Everything posted by pose wetals

  1. ah well i gotta go to d of e sooo talkee to yous later maen!!!!!! xx

  2. rrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuuu ttttttthhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeeeee??????????????????

  3. hello

    mush i gotta do hw toooo


  4. woooh

    izzy has also said yes just mum to go!!!!!!!


    bass tomorrow?

    hyper hyper hyper!!!!!!!

  5. hi im the invincible dudes fwiend how r u?

  6. alright

    being naggged about homework by my mother and waiting for a lady to come round

    mean while thinking of ways to save up for a bass guitar before the summer holidays =s

    hows ur social life?

  7. hi how r u? wooow magentaoooo orange!!

  8. hi im lozi's school frend she talked about ur convos u sound nice and yeah hi =D

  9. hi i'm lozi's fwiend from school hi

  10. chrissss whoo

    ur beday whooooo!

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