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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. yeah sorry ive never heard of it...

    the us. im half american half english

  2. yeah but his eyes are brown, mine arent they're hazel!

  3. did you delete it???

  4. dom and me just a LITTLe BIT...

  5. oh and my grandfather plays the mandolin and i think he played the harmonica at one point...

  6. pretty much, my grandfather plays the piano, bass and guitar, he has the gift of figuring out things by ear, my uncle plays the drums my other uncles sings and played the trumpet, my mom sings and she used to play the piano and flute, and everyone else sings!

  7. do you want a "model" pic of me or just an everyday pic?

  8. ok just don't give it to anyone ok, and delete the message after i give it to you k?

  9. just one thing though, my hair is wavy than straight...

  10. i can give you apic of me if you want...

  11. all righty then you start with ze question then ill ask thee a question!

  12. LOL posted a reply on meh love boat!

  13. i was too for a while but i figured everything out pretty much!

  14. here let me get my link...

  15. don't worry i d know what im talking about except for the music bit! hey!!! you should post on meh love boat!

  16. theres no point in having friend that don't talk to you, but if youre not on for a while then i understand!

  17. hello id like to know a bit about you, like personality if you dont mind...

    (i delete the friends i have that don't talk to me so if you don't think you can talk to me, replying, then im sorry)

  18. role play thats what we're doing!

  19. yep! well art is part of fine arts though... idk what im talking about!!!

  20. *stays there grinning*

    mom youll never understand matteh!

    (OMG!!! do you know how long its been since ive done a rp?)

  21. im a fine artist though...(meaning music, you know fine arts...)

  22. the bone collector and the game....

    ive watched pitch black before LOVED IT!!! the aliens are AWSOME!!! idk why but i likey the scary aliens movies!

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