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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. ill ask someone hold on...

  2. alright, do you think they'll close a protest thread for saving the muse songs form twilight?

  3. i want you to do it please! im giving you the knife to cut the cake

  4. ok good they closed the twilight thread because ti guess they had a lot of those!!!

  5. do you want to do the honors???

  6. yes yes!!! OMG!!! a protest thread!!!! against the twilight saga movies not to use anymore muse songs!!!!

  7. thanks you should go and see it, its in songs and releases!

  8. im going to post a thread about this!

  9. ok if they take sing then ill die!!! thats one of muse's best songs!!!

  10. i hope that falling away isnt in that one.... oh god... theyre going to put sing for absolution in one!!! i know it they will!!!!!!!!!!

  11. yeah thats pretty much why i went!!! i don't really like SMBH anymore though... it still a good song but ill always remember it as the twilight song... OMG!!!!!!!! what if they use my fave muse songs in them again!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO

  12. im SOOO sorry!!! that really sux! i hope they put another muse song in the others!!!

  13. it does!!! poor muse, their song was in it...

  14. i LOVE iron man!!! i watched twilight yesterday... it sucked even more than the 1st time

  15. he wins her heart by singing to here btw

  16. yeah its about a wedding singer who founds out that he loves this girl whose getting married to someone who cheats on her and he tries to win her over the cheating dude!

  17. oh so youre 8 hours ahead up there then???

    ummm, the wedding singer. its a good movie!

  18. good just watched a movie!!! isnt like 900 pm there?

  19. ello there my english friend!!!

  20. all right im going to delete the album, i got the pics off of photobucket.com i searched babysitting i think. those pics are farther down the pages.

  21. no do you want me to just delet the album without you doing anything?

  22. no ive been an only child for 14 years but now i have a baby brother named leo!!!

  23. so i just delete it out of the group?

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