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Everything posted by Vader

  1. :LOL: It's funny when it's like countries that usually don't get a lot of snow seem to sort of panic when there is. I don't really like our climate. It rains more often than it snows. But when it rains it at least isn't cold.


    That's the bad thing about theoretical, sometimes you just have to remember it, because there's no way you can understand it. Don't know anything about particles being in two places at once though :erm: Haven't gotten that far.

  2. We've got 20-30 centimetres of snow here. My toes die every time I go outside. I can't wait for spring.


    I think it sounds fun :LOL: I want to study computer/data technology (didn't know how to translate it). Then you get to do lots of programming and stuff, and that has always interested me.


    I don't really like biology, I prefer the more theoretical stuff.

  3. We have snow here :noey: It's cold and... just no. And I'm sorry you have school :( The holidays are always over too soon.


    And yeah, physics suck. I love maths, it's my favourite subject, always nice and logical. If you know how to do it, you always now how to do it. Physics is a total maths wannabe, but fails miserably. But it's necessary if I want to be a "master of science in engineering". I had to look it up on Wikipedia, isn't that the stupidest name for a job, ever?

  4. The few times I checked the caption thread I thought it was kind of dull. Maybe it's gotten better since then.

    That reminded me of the physics I still haven't done. I just keep forgetting about it. Maybe tomorrow... Probably not :chuckle:


    Just saw it, you have school tomorrow? :eek:

  5. If I said everything that came to mind I'd be like: I'm bored..... I'm bored..... I'm bored :LOL:


    Yeah, though I think the first one was funnier than this one. I don't find it as funny as I used to :erm:

  6. Yeah, I don't want to randomly start talking to people I've never talked to before, it'd feel like if someone came up to me when I was talking to my friends and suddenly joined in the conversation.


    :chuckle: I have 97 post so far. 6th place, I think. I don't want to be that Main Musey either. I find it increasingly hard to stay on topic in there. When I finally started talking to people more casually on here it so easily turned into banter.

  7. I know exactly what you mean, although you probably have a lot more to do than I. I have some physics to do during the holiday, because I have a test when school starts again, but I haven't started yet. I actually forgot about it for a while as well :chuckle:

  8. Thanks! :D I liked the pic because my eyes looked so blue.

  9. It's been the reason for a lot of the procrastination of schoolwork done by me.

  10. Kind of addicting? A hell of a lot, I'd say! :LOL: It's really hard to leave for more than a little while.

  11. I'm watching the latest Doctor Who episode. David Tennant's last :supersad: What are you doing?

  12. I do too, although they can get a bit boring sometimes. But they're usually awesome :happy:

  13. Sounds a bit more eventful than my year so far. I've just been at home, in my room :LOL: Everyday has been a lazy day.


    And thanks. I hope my best friend is OK with me using it as my avatar, I haven't told her :shifty:

  14. Yeah, it's been alright. Haven't done any thing special really, though I went shopping today and bought some awesome stuff on sale :awesome: You?

  15. I'm also a bit socially awkward on the internet, that's why I only have 300-something posts on here. I mean, you had 800 post in just the lolz thread. I often have stuff to say, but I'm too shy (or something) to post it. That's why it's so hard for me to get into the really big threads as well because I worry to much, and I don't know how to post for the first time. The reason that I posted in the YMT today was because Suvi said that Darth Vader was there, and I was like :eek: Me? and asked her. If that hadn't happened I would probably have continued to just lurk. And I still only posted 9 times, because the people who I sort of talked to all left and then I didn't know what to say.

    And now I feel like I've written an essay on the subject :facepalm:

  16. Ah, well it's too late now :supersad:

    I'm really shy too. Hate meeting new people, like when my parents have people over for dinner. Can't talk to people either, especially if I've never met them before. Can't look people in the eye. :LOL: It's sounds worse than I think it is.

    I think I spend enough time studying, I'm very happy with my grades. I do procrastinate a lot though, why do it now, when you can do it tomorrow? :awesome:

  17. My heart still feels like it swells up when I think about him. Oh, I'm so sappy. But I was too shy to tell him :( He probably didn't like me anyway.


    I'm definitely not using my youth properly. I mean, when I'm not studying I spend basically all my time on this board. I don't know if I'd like it since I don't drink, but I've never been to a party. I just sit inside my room with my computer all day. I think I'm on the computer at least twelve hours a day when I'm not in school. I REALLY don't have a life :noey:

  18. I either feel really old or really young. It's like I've never actually felt 16 :erm:

    The guy, he was perfect :happy: Hot, funny, smart, you name it. I still tink I kind of have a crush on him :LOL:/:(

  19. I know, I've started to reply to these from the View conversation thingy because I always had to open another tab to check what the other person wrote :LOL:

    Yeah, I don't know if the manlyness or voice is the reason for me. Sometimes I feel like I'm old, like I've got an old personality. Maybe that's why. I've really only ever found one guy my own age attractive for real, but boy was he hot! I haven't seen him for six months, but if he were to randomly come up to me now and ask me out, I'd definitely say yes :LOL:

  20. I think your posts are fun, for example in the lolz thread you always have a nice comment, whereas I just go :LOL:

    And yeah, I don't find the lolz as funny either. I lurked in the first one and when the second one was started I was so into it :LOL: I posted all the time and read everything. But now, it's just meh. I think the last posts I've made have been answers to questions, like how to hide stuff.

    The PCT wouldn't work for me because.. well I don't really find Chris hot :p One of the few older guys I don't :LOL: No, but really, why am I so often attracted to guys in their thirties?

    (BTW, I'm sorry that I'm sort of spamming you :LOL: I mean, this message is just far too long :noey:)

  21. I think people in banter find me annoying too, the few times I post there. And I don't think I'm witty enough, everybody seems so witty and fun and I'm just... boring :(

    I think I've lost some of my own fangirlishness lately and that's the reason why I suddenly get so annoyed with the protective fangirls who cant spel and OVERUSE CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!

  22. I think I saw some of those in the YMT, which I by the way managed to make my way into today (though only for a short time) :awesome: I came up with a new resolution yesterday: To start making my way over into Banter, because I've recently gotten really bored of Main Muse. The last few days I basically haven't posted anything, I've just been visitors messaging with people.

  23. Oooh, it's cool. And yep, that's me. I look paaale :LOL:

  24. Nice! I also got a hair straightener for Christmas but I haven't tried it yet. What did the poster look like?

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