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Everything posted by feelinggood

  1. oh yeah id love to see that again! but i think it might be a little weird if he did :( because he did grow up! :LOL: I feel like Matt's parents marveling over how their little boy grew up! :LOL:

    that just hit me this morning: killers... fans... VICTIMS! :facepalm: oh im really liking leave the bourbon on the shelf :D

    Oh wow just the cover twinkie him is kinda wow... :chuckle:

    This is part 1 of 4 of the extras: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-MM9V2cK-U :happy: I looked it up before i got it for x-mas. but in the last part i think, well while chris and dom are in the shower they flip between them and what looks like bodys um... rolling around, I saw some stuff i never wanted to see of dom.... :stunned:

    Oh i love the pink shorts one :happy: I am just like dying to find shortless dom! ( oh god i mean shirtless!!! :eek: I accidently put that :$)


  2. yeah i think he had it when they came to south america or at least some where around there, its just amazing! Blue and red matty... just :stongue:

    Ah! that what the site meant by victims!!! I was on their website and was wondering what the option the victims ment! :LOL:

    OMG! A TWINKIE! :LOL: Do you have it? :awesome:

    :LOL: I thought you said doms underwear power! I was going to watch hullabaloo tonight, but i was on pdt last night and doms willy got brought up, so that kinda :stunned: but im going to my dads house so i can't watch it! :fear:

    oh and do you know where to find the pics of dom on the boat, as i said i was on pdt and was reading about them staring at him with just the shorts on and how they were really low... and now i really want to see them :$

    :ninja: so do you know were to find them? (oh god i just looked at twitter and after that^ the name balls for a pic scares me!)

  3. Yeah she'll be like what happened now? :facepalm: I think red matt is my fav besides longer, fluffy, iwannapounceonhimandrunmyhandsthroughhishair hair! :LOL: Yes he is so sweet :happy: I love how in his pics with fans he always has that smile like "i actually give a crap about my fans and love meeting them", you know because some people are just like wateva to the fans :noey: Yes every way :eyebrows:

    :LOL: See when I listen to a band I like absolutely have to run out that second and get their cds! :LOL:

    Well as I look he starts to grow on me more and more! :awesome:

    I love google! the weirdest things come up when you search for people! I now i was like HOLY CRAP IS THAT REAL!! :eek:

    Just checked twitter, Matt better be careful. Dont want an angry dom taking embarassing pics of matt! Or do we :ninja:

  4. I know, my mom always knows that ive had a muse dream if I look like this in the morning- :D

    I know he was just... :stongue:

    :LOL: That was(n't) fucking pwopa! :LOL: I love his litle speach impediment thingy! :happy:

    I want more leg porn:ninja:.. darn once you see it ya can't get enough! :chuckle:

    Yep he is in there! ( i had to look it up on IMDb) Oh I bought three of the killers' cds today :dance:

    I got: day and age, sawdust, and hot fuss. and now im saving some pics from google of brandon. :facepalm: I have to show my cousin what he looks like!

    :LOL: I just found this on google http://www.thefrisky.com/tag/brandon+flowers/

  5. I had a dream a while ago that I thought was real because I was half dead that morning. Muse was in my family room, they performed part of resistance, but Matt left out about 2/3 of it, and he was just singing. He didn't have a guitar just a mic. , but once he was done he made this cute little yawn and licking sound. I went and my mom was like /:phu: , but the whole time chris was like standing in a desk. Like he could phase through things Well Matt ran off down the hall all crazy with arms flailing and Chris hid in the desk, while Dom let me have a go on his drums. He taught me some stuff and Matt randomley runs in in pajamas and yells "come on woohh!" execution commentary style. I just laughed and Dom :facepalm:ed. Then my cousin popped in and had a present for Dom, new drumsticks. I opened it and said "Dom give me your drumstick." He did and I yelled at my cousin that they were to light weight, that dom liked the heavier ones, and i was all at her.
  6. I know what you mean, i would be smiling like an idiot! :D Pwopa hugs+dom= :awesome:

    I had a weird dream, i was listening to bliss ( in real life on repeat) and i was dreaming that I was in the bliss video with red matteh :awesome: and we were falling, but I was hanging on to him and like totally making out with him! :LOL:

    I love the sunnies, but im not a big Thom yorke fan. :erm:

    ewwww! Jonas bros! :noey: my cousin whos like 12 loves them :facepalm: and the black eyed peas :facepalm: I saw an advert for them doing something and a lazer shot out of one of the guitars. I yelled "STEALER!!!!! That belongs on MATT BELLZ GUITAR! NOT YOURS! :fear:" :LOL:

    Yes he has very much pwopa passion! One of the things that makes me like him so much! (other than his :stongue:ness) WO leg porn! :dance::party:

    No the movie was good! I think it was just the theater I was in had it a bit loud, because there were many fight scenes so the music got loud in those parts. There were actually older couples there covering their ears in some parts!!! :LOL:

  7. Cool. I would be like that too! :LOL: Just run flatout at him and tackle hug him! :awesome:

    I know I'm still kinda like :stunned: and "......." It was just sorta weird.....

    Ohhh mikey! :awesome: I love how next to lily he looks so pale :chuckle: and I wonder what he is doing with his hair! :awesome: It looked kinda spiky! but in one of the pics with his hair and glasses he looked kinda like a nerd! :LOL:

    his wock stawww battle scars! :happy: but i was so happy bout those coz you can actually see mattehs legs! :eek:

    I went to see sherlock holmes, it was good but kinda different.

  8. I think ill have to play with that this weekend, to see if i can find out how to play with him. :happy: aw i love dreams that involve giving dom hugs.... :$ I think I've had lots of those!

    I was kinda like "DOM!!!" especially with the grapes :noey: dommehs been a bad boy



    :LOL: oh have you seen pale, little pasta belly matt pictures?! :awesome:

    (sorry for kinda lateish reply, i went to a movie with my friend :dance:)

  9. i know when I saw that Plug in Baby was on the setlist in one of the venues i was like :eek::awesome:. Then i tried playing it normally, but i sucked. So then i added in matty moves like the video (maybe not the crazy jumps) but then i did better! :awesome: I'll have to play around with it so I can play with him! (my dreams tonight should be interesting! :eyebrows: )

    He needs that guest room if he wants any of those ladies to himself (latest twitpic- my reaction: :facepalm:/ :rolleyes: )

    I love how i'll be trying to use the pencil on paint and my lets say circle will end being some living ameoba thingy! :LOL:


  10. The .gif is cool :awesome:

    Yeah i unlocked him, but I couldn't figure out how to play with him (oh god that sounded dirty in my mind :facepalm: ) He kinda looks funky though, a bit more stubble than usual! :LOL: and he has no eyes! :eek:

    Well ya know you gotta have the guest room as a cover up :D (Dom i love ya, but... :chuckle:) Yeah gotta have an outdoor farm like space for his free range chickens.

    Thank you, I just love my paint skills :rolleyes: OMG! THAT BANANA IS :awesome:!!! i want one :chuckle:


  11. Ill have to look up the eye liner time. :awesome::chuckle:

    *oh agitated cam on.. yeah yeah!*

    :facepalm: Ive played that song like too many times to count, you can play it with matt? :confused:

    Oh yeah cant forget the bananas! I asked my mom "can banana trees grow in spain?" :LOL: Then he can kill his own chickens, pick his own bananas, and grow his own veggies. he'll only have to depend on society for the beans :noey:

    Why thank you *takes a bow, but doesn't burn in Hell!* :rolleyes:

    I have to make it more out of the box though, so im going to do some sort of bridge thing between Matts house to a recording studio thing, and then a guest house for Dom! (I doubt he needs it though :shifty: )

    [spoiler= Bridge thingy] they have one at the scince center in st louis and its kinda like what im doing:

    from the inside:


    they dont have showing it from outside so this is kinda like it (fail at paint)



  12. Oh i love darkshines *hums* oh god Matt on butlers body!! :LOL: I love that suit also, yummeh :yesey: and all the glittery sweatyness! :awesome:

    Does he have eyeliner on in spaceman, coz it kinda looks like he does. and i am one of the, zomg matt in eyeliner :stunned: i want more of it, people. :chuckle:

    atm, hm... well i said i was listening to spaceman which i like, all these things ive done, the two you said are good, and i like all the pretty faces (after playing it a gazzillion times on GH5 :rolleyes:)

    I have to listen to more of sawdust though.

    I have to "invent" something for art class, and be like leonardo davinci. so i decided i wanted to desing some building. So my mom gave me the idea for a house for Matt! Its in spain, atm, and is kinda like the lake como houses. But im gonna have a place for his chickens :awesome:, his garden of veggies, and a special place for all his beans! :LOL: (ok maybe not the beans, but you gotta have the chickens!) I just need like a little outdoor space for maybe some music playing and stuff. :facepalm:

  13. yeah and my dad like always has a camera in everybody's face :facepalm:


    :LOL: :LOL: Im am like crying with laughter! i haven't seen 300, but ive seen what gerard butler looks like. So i get how much you saw :LOL: oh god i remember last night in a dream seeing him coming toward me with this face :eyebrows:, but i dont remember anything else... darn

    Im listening to the killers and i am really liking them! :D I got to go buy their cds now! like right now i have spaceman playing and im kinda staring at brandon flowers! :LOL:

  14. I know I always turn my head like No get that camera outta my face! :LOL:

    uh i have to pick my elective courses for high school and Im going to take spanish. you could take that or french or german. but im not a french fan :rolleyes: and my mom said it was horrible, and german wouldn't come in handy as much as spanish.

    I dont think ive looked at matt the same way as before for a while now, :LOL:

    oh god, sbh matteh is not good. ah my imagination is running wild!! :stunned:

    :eyebrows: <-- that is my fav. smiley i think! :LOL:

    You know when i read "when he was dressed" um... :stunned: Not good! :chuckle:

    ah god now i gotta watch sbh! woo...

  15. My friend right now is trying to take pics of me, but i wont let her! tehe

    Oh yeah i said.. um well its hard to explain. so she still doesnt know what emo is. :LOL:

    Im part german, but only know like 2 words! :rolleyes:

    My mom just bought some and i started to laugh. lol when you said twuth i thought of pdt story things when matt said "its unnatural selection, its not natural!" I love how he is like a little kid. ( ive said that before. :facepalm:)

    Oh we don't want you getting banned, but i know what you mean. :eyebrows:


  16. :LOL: yeah a picture might be easier!

    oh milkshakes, now i have that cute pic of dom sipping on his milshake in my head :awesome:

    Weirdos= :awesome: I said something about emo to my mom and she was like "whats emo?" :facepalm:

    I should use that german to yell at my cousin in return to her japanese! :chuckle:

    My dad asked me if I wanted some orange juice and I said yes. So i was drinking it suddenly hit me :eek: I burst out laughing. :rolleyes: My cousin ate another clementine and i yelled spit that out and told her why. She spit it out right away, lol.

    I also had a dream that I had a stalker:erm:, but it was all made better when Muse came as the detectives! :awesome:

  17. So your phone could look like Brandon :confused:

    Power rangers! :LOL: I think i see either checkered like one of his shirts or little teddy bears something like that!

    aw! Dom and Matt on a date! :happy: lol

    I'm a weirdo too! :awesome: my science teach was pointing out normal people in our class and i wasn't one of them :chuckle:

    ah german always sounds like your mad or spitting on someone! :LOL:

  18. LOL I love how they turn into bones, its kinda creepy, but funny. I think I like him better without the facial hair though.

    I was so happy this morning! Matt in his pjs was cute and funny. I love how whenever people have dreams matt is always the crazy kid-like one who runs around and must be under supervision! :LOL:

    hold on Dom and Matt were on a date with each other :erm: in your house?

    I was telling my mom about it and she was like thats scary, if you start going kinda weird/crazy im gonna be really scared! :eek:

    Yeah, she likes these japanese bands and she is learning the language. so she'll yell at me in japanese and i'll either use google or just ask her "what does that mean :confused:

  19. I think Ive seen that one before but i dont remember.

    Ive read the books and got sucked into all the hype, but soon found my self going "whats so good about these books?" :facepalm:

    i had a dream that i thought was real because i was half dead this morning, i was making my tea and just burst into laughter! Muse was in my family room, they performed part of resistance, but Matt left out about 2/3 of it, and he was just singing. he didn't have a guitar just a mic. :wtf:, but once he was done he made this cute little yawn and licking sound i went :happy: and my mom was like :wtf:/:phu:, but the whole time chris was like standing in a desk, like he could phase through things :erm:

    well matt ran off down the hall all crazy and chris hid in the desk, while dom let me have a go on his drums. he taught me some stuff and matt randomley runs in in pajamas and yells "come on woohh!" execution commentary style. :LOL: I just laughed and Dom :facepalm:ed. Then my cousin had a present for dom, new drumsticks. I opened it and said :dom give me your drumstick." he did and i yelled at my cuz that they were to light weight, that dom liked the heavier ones, and i was all: :fear: to her. :LOL:

    oh during treasure hunt i signed up but did nothing! :LOL:

    they are much too fast i cant ever post in there coz im always behind. I use google translator to figure out what my cuz says in japanese :facepalm:

  20. They are quite pwopa, ive been listening to them all night! and in some of the videos he does look pretty good. Can they see themselves in the mirror :facepalm: i forget!

    I haven't been able to remember my dreams and I really miss those Dom dreams now! :(


    I hate reading on the comp too long! Like really long interviews start to hurt my eyes after a while. :supersad:

    I hope your computer stops being a meany! :( but i haven't been on pmt in a couple days and i was 100 some pages behind! and then i checked pdt and i was 200 some pages behind (I thought pmt moved fast, but pdters are crazy posters!)

    Wow! only three months, that seems fast for our jacked up language! :LOL: we have so mant rules that apply to a few words then don't to others :rolleyes: we were just talking aboout that in my laungauge/skills class today! :chuckle:

  21. I'll have to listen to that then once i get done with huge mound of homework! :mad: He is cute. lol :)

    i know i only saw when that evil little girl has a breakdown and gets really mad at Lestat, and a bit more, but thats all i remember :chuckle:

    *goes on daily twitter run* OMG is that matt in the red behind lily and dom (cricket on the beach with lily picture) for some reason i really like that picture, its funny, but i guess it gives muse more of they are just like us quality :rolleyes:, but i seem to like pictures like that... dom and the bird :aw:

    i read 1984 twice last year! :LOL: it made more sense the second time

    Whats wrong with your computer? :(Your english is good! I don't have trouble reading it, but im also reading this heartbeats thing on the artists muse (someone posted it on the lolz a while ago) and the author is from south america i think.

  22. lol, ah he sounded familiar! You know what i have never had a twinkie! :eek:, i need to try one. I kinda like the killers but i haven't heard many songs. What song is your favorite?

    I've seen parts of the movie, but haven't seen all of it. (i want to, but can't seem to find it on tv... :indiff: )

    I'm trying to decide wether to see Lestat more Tom Cruise-ish or Matt-ish :chuckle:(someone said something about that on the pmt) The lovely bones has been good so far, but im only in like four chapters :rolleyes:

    I'm kinda happy they are leaving Japan :facepalm:, but that may mean less twitpics! :eek:

    OMG my mom just told me there was a protest in Germany about back-scatter scanning for international flights were the people stripped down to their underwear to the song Uprising! :LOL: I just burst out laughing.

  23. yep it sure comes in handy! You haven't ever thought of the other meaning, thats what i thought of right away, but when i came pmt was called pmt, not all spelled out. So it was only once someone said it i was like :eek:, but i still came back :facepalm:

    Now i can add the japanese to my list of people i don't like for some odd reasons (im not a french fan idk why :rolleyes:)

    who is Brandon Flowers ( was he in Q artists of the century, i think i heard it there?)

    I have to read the lovely bones. I wanted to, but my mom ordered it from the library so it came while I was reading another book: Interview with a vampire ( a good vampire book :LOL:) so i had to stop reading that and read the lovely bones.

    (i just read that they also got dead star, i really dont like them)

  24. My mom asked me what PMT stood for and im like "matt thread" mom:"what about the p?" me:" um photogenic matt thread" (someone said that name once and it was the first thing i thought of! :LOL:), but she bought it... :ninja: i had said pornogenic matt thread to my friends and they all went :eek: and im like "NO NO NO! its nothing like that!!! IM NOT A FREAK!" :chuckle:

    OMG they played that. Is it on you tube??? :party::dance::happy: (ok im really excited now for some older songs! but that might just be coz they are in japan/korea area, I always think that they are muse's favs over there... :shifty:)

    why twinkies? aha matt prevails as god! lol

    *is going to pdt* (ah darn i have to read a book) *is not going to pdt :(*

    well now idk! i might have missplaced the dot for ecuador, its the one like right under colombia right?

    he was so cute, right into doms lap :chuckle:(it was more head and chest first, but still cute)

  25. my mom knows what pmt is but she doesn't know what goes on in there (:ninja: thank god for that!)

    Matt if you ever happened to stumble upon this (please dont delete it (sorry)) and please wear the LAB COAT!!! :supersad: im watching hullabaloo on my tv and since im in the us its all in b&w! :( oh no only one twitpic so far today! if they stop posting a lot now im gonna go through withdraw! :chuckle:

    I would've said back to your sister "NO GOD'S BIRTHDAY IS ON JUNE 9! 06/09/1978!" you so should wake her up at like midnight (or really early) and do something for matts birthday! (the best day in the whole year! :LOL:) My mom sang happy birthday to matt and ended it with a high note just for him!

    My mom agrees with me on one thing about dom: that his smile is the cutest, prettiest one! (shes not as enthusiatic as that though)

    So you be an hour before me i think *runs to google* yep! (aw matt just jumped right into doms lap :happy:, he completely missed the drums! you think that was on purpose?)

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