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Everything posted by feelinggood

  1. Yeah, I think at one point there was something about a fall tour :awesome:, so im hopeing! Are they coming to South America on the Resistance tour???

    :LOL: i know rite! I got to talk to him alot tho in science today.. lol

    My friend may come back soon, but shes just gonna show up at scholl at one day and not tell me before! :eek: I will like totally freak out in front of everyone and embarass myself! :facepalm: I'm not the public speaking/displays type of person.. :chuckle:

    I'm in love woth those pants, when I showed them to my mom she went :facepalm:


    I dont have twitter and what is msn??? I've heard people talk about it, but never knew what it was. :chuckle:

    Have you ever watched Dr. Who?

  2. I have to wait to see if they are coming back to US in the fall *crosses fingers*

    thats like what nick said.but he was more like "oh yeah, megan is hot! *does little head nod thingy*" and it just came out of nowhere :rolleyes:

    i hate that! One of my best friends moved to New Zealand last July. :( I miss her so much. We email sometimes but she is like nver on her email :rolleyes: she may come back though soon :dance:

    Since im posting my belt I also have my muse related/inspired things in there.The pics are bigger than i thought...

    [spoiler=My muse clothes]my leopard print belt:


    my picks:


    my blue pants and my periodic table shirt (more like periodic table of txting, but it was the closest thing i could find :) :



    then my matt jacket:


    and i have 3 pairs of converse also :facepalm: and one of them looks kinda like a pair of doms.


    --its easier to veiw the pics in view conversation.

  3. i checked the ticket thing and the best available was like the second section (out of three) and it was behind the stage:mad:.... oohhh get a nice view of matts bum! :LOL: but i think when im in school on that day im not going to be all crazy and happy.... ill be all :( all day....

    well we both like muse and i think they've kinda helped me believe more in it... :LOL: songs about the end of the world, zetas, and gov. powers abusing their power help me believe :LOL:

    aw.. well i guess i kinda kno what ya mean. Nick told me the other day that he thinks my friend was hot and was wondering if she at all liked him :( and she and i had this fight thing but we better now, but she went :eek::stunned::LOL: when i told her so....

    Maybe you should go after Mateo! :awesome:

    Edit: I just got a leopard print belt! :awesome::LOL:

  4. ok wat does emg mean?

    I tried so hard! i got all sad and i seriously had tears in my eyes! :facepalm: I showed her PCT didnt work.. she went "ohhh... ahhhhh... sexy" and all that but no luck... :(

    that what my mom told me also... :)

    aw dont say that! i believe their is someone out there for everyone... (ok now im getting all sappy i need some sleep) Nick had had like 3/4 gf this year :LOL: i absolutely hated the first one.. she already solidified her reputation with me a bit ago tho. :shifty:

    Omg going through pmt i saw the second post on here: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=70888&page=116 the pic of matt licking his lips. nick was doin that in science while i was talking to him :facepalm: NOT GOOD! :LOL:

    well im going to sleep

    x night


  5. weird minds are :awesome: I need to do that! *puts led zepp on list of things to look up* Oh Queen is quite pwopa! :awesome:

    He hasnt ever talked in your dreams.... *well the past few his lips have been quite occupated so they werent talking* :ninja:

    my chances are probably very slim also :supersad: they are coming to chicago in march and its not to far away and perfect,but i cant see them because my mom doesn't want to drive in the city :fear: I was not happy with her that night...

    :LOL::LOL::LOL:its kinda weird tho, we both like each other (diff. levels tho i think) and know this, but last year he liked me and i didnt like him! :eek: he is awesome tho :happy: well while on the subject: do you have a boyfriend or anyone special? :happy:

  6. aw... :( You have a song dedicated to you?

    :awesome: thats cool, tbh ive never really heard a song of theirs. at least one that im aware ive heard! :LOL:

    ok so in dreams yes, but in real life sadly no..... :supersad: I wish i could! i want to meet him so bad, i want a picture and a hug! :LOL: OMG to actually touch the bellz..... *dies*

    :LOL: yep.. i guess so! The amazing thing is he plays the guitar and piano! he also sings sometimes, not the best tho :erm::LOL: and his sense of humor reminds me of matt's..... well i think alot of people i know including myself have that... :facepalm:

  7. Oh that ok :kiss:

    :eek: no cable and hard time opening muse forum! i don't think i'd survive! :LOL:

    ah. so your a led zeppelin fan?

    I think ive had a convo before cant remember what it was, but all i remember was his dreamy voice...

    WAIT! do you mean in real life or am i just wishing that i could have and somehow translating that into your reply? (ive lost the plot and need sleep, i dont know if what i just typed will make sense.. :facepalm:)

    :LOL: His name is Nick. He's a led zeppelin fan also... :shifty: *matt paranoia mode kicks in...*

    :chuckle: Well i like him so i guess it kinda means something.... but i wanted him to go back to matt! :D

  8. Would you mind sending me it? I can't remember were I put it! *haz too many pics saved* :facepalm:

  9. Hi! sorry for not replying i wasn't paying attention to my notices :)

    How are you doing?

    (OMG i love that .gif you have as your profile picture! :stunned: I think I ended up staring at for a bit before i started typing :LOL:)

  10. I know the feeling and thats only when i miss one day of PMT! :LOL:

    I think that has become a standered around my house, we say pwopa instead of proper. :matt: One time my mom said oh you left your zetas over here. im was like what? so she showed me the absolution cd case and im like "no mom! those are souls leaving the earth... *goes into much more detailed explanation*... not zetas... silly. :rolleyes: " now that is a normal convo in my house :yesey:

    I love those matt dreams they've been happening a lot lately :awesome:.. which im not complaining about. him saying words is nice tho.... love that accent... :stunned:

    He all of sudden turned into this guy from school :eek: the dream stopped shortly after i realized.. :LOL:

  11. Thats ok :happy: well then Welcome back :kiss:


    I love talking with the w instead of r.... i had to acctually concentrate the other day on saying proper correctly! :LOL: its too hard to say it with out saying pwopa :awesome: Oh god, i had another dream that i made out with matt! then he turned into the guy I like in the end.. :rolleyes:

    I bet you did! You missed the new PMT, but i haven't posted in there yet :chuckle: i need to though!

    Ok i think i am officially a victim :awesome: I listened to nothing but the killers for like 4 days, not even muse :eek:

  12. hello! :happy:

    I'm doing well, you?

  13. ok thats what i thought! :LOL:

    I love what she said though, she was like SARA! i didn't know you were like that! :eek: so i told her: but its the truth!!!

    yes I think we did lose the fucking plot last night! :LOL: but now that its morning i think it's returned to me :p

    Oh geez..... all i remember is ripping doms shirt off and doing some stuff :$, then seeing matt running across the room in a long white t-shirt and socks :eek: to bad it wasn't just socks and phone :shifty: again i didn't say that... :ninja:

  14. :LOL: nice...

    I know im like paranoid all night and stuff! :facepalm: oh god i just told my friend that i wanted to rip doms shirt off. and she was like why?? i went coz he'd look alot better with out it on! :facepalm:

    i think ive llost the plot and need some sleep :rolleyes:

    :LOL: god now im gonna dream of shortless matt and shirtless dom :facepalm:

  15. i didnt think you said that he was ugly i was just saying i used to think that! :D

    :LOL: God now im kinda dreading seeing him monday im afraid of what might happen! :eek:

    oh god i was just watching this i love what matt and dom have to add to the party :rolleyes:

    [spoiler=MUSE BDO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMZenfCecGQ

    thank you very much, that was very nice but im on my way :LOL: and matt :rolleyes:


    :LOL: not good!

  16. i used to think he was ugly :LOL: yeah tim burton movies are :awesome: My mom and i are about the same height so :chuckle:

    I will have to be a good student then, :LOL: im typing in the dark and findin it quite hard! :chuckle:

    no... not so good! :eek: i have to look at hom woth out going :$ inn front of him!!! :noey:

    thats wat he looks like a bull gorilla! :LOL: :LOL:

    :LOL: it seems that ive been doing things like that more and more often! um.. oh fine yeah i guess thats what we want :shifty: i didn't say that...

    :LOL: dang and i was going to listen to darkshines next, but that wouldn't be good for the mind (ah the hell with it *turns it on*)

  17. My friend like drools all over johnny depp! :LOL: but we are gonna see alice in wonderland just because of him! :awesome: Well for me i always feel so short coz some people are 5'7 and stuff so :LOL:

    that spanish next year will come in handy! :chuckle:

    I think i love the kid on my bus too... dang! :facepalm:

    I know! I swaers shes mental or something!

    Oh shit did i put that! :eek: *checks last post for shortless matty* oh good i didnt... but i just found that that is even easier to type than shortless dom... :ninja:

  18. Very true! :chuckle: ONLY 27! thats young for the guys i drool over :LOL: coz matt and dom are 31/32 and even though i don't drool over him johnny depp is 46 which i just found out today! :eek: i was shocked! i thought he was younger! :LOL: Yea :dance: short people are :awesome:

    :LOL: I wish i could just start speaking some other language randomley, like u get angry and just start ranting in another language :LOL:

    oh god matts eyes, dom hair! I'm doomed... :facepalm:

    My cousin just sent me this pic of ray toro messing with his pants like 5 times so i sent her shirtless matty :matt: My mom saw tho and was like why do u have all those pics of half naked matt!? 0_o

  19. I know I have an easier time understanding him thank some other brits! :LOL:

    Thats cool :happy:

    :matt: Yes he is a wittle shrimp! though i should talk! i'm only like 5'2 ( oh and i just thought of something shrimp are yummy, another fitting quality) :LOL: Yes thank God for google! :dance:

    I love his faults! lunatique! :LOL: I know I'm so lucky to have a mini Dom! :dom: :dom: He is one year in school under me, but he might be my age coz most people in my grade are 14 :chuckle: He also has really pretty blue eyes kinda like matts :happy:

  20. Seriously! that should be his next b-day present! :awesome: Oh well yeah English isnt your first language so.

    Matt wants to have BIG family? or brandon? OMG I LOVE THAT PICTURE OF HIM! :LOL: even if he is a shrimp! his hair is :awesome: Now if I could just read french... :shifty:

    omg this kid on my bus kinda reminds me of Dom how he dresses. He wears skinnies and stuff like dom and his hair is even kinda like doms. :awesome: So he had this hat on all day and somebody pulled it off his head on the bus and his hair was all messed up. :chuckle: but I looked at the back of his head and my face went from composed to :stunned: to :$

    His hair reminded me of doms even more I mean it looked like dom was sitting there or something ya know. :awesome: but then I was reminded of PDT and all the hair porn stuff and descriptions so I went like :$

    :LOL: I had to look away and look at my pics of dom on my mp3

    Edit: my new fav. signs :matt::dom: tehe

  21. hi! thanks for the request! :happy:

    I like your siggy :yesey: Dom so needs to bring the rainbow trousers back!

  22. I was so upset when I saw that he stopped wearing it :( its so unique and cool :awesome: soemtimes I'll be listening to an interview with my mom and she will go what the hell did he just say? :wtf: So I have to translate! :LOL: See I dont have that problem, I think I speak fast though like him (not as fast and not all the time :rolleyes: ) there are some interviews were he just goes on this little rambling thing and im like "woh.. slow down buddy! " :LOL:

    :happy: aw. Oh I was just reading in Q magazine and I think it said something about two boys though *runs and checks my mag* Yep he saying stuff about how he would do anything for his sons and how he didn't know that there was room for that much love! aww! and it says that he is briming with tears! :happy: I was reading that for the first time and was like "awwww"

    Nice! :awesome: I was so happy when I found out that Matts nickname was bellz (or at least thats what everyone says :chuckle: ) because that is the nickname my bff.

  23. yeah i was watching the hully extras on my computer and my mom was like "what are you watching?" I turned it off before Doms little tape :noey: I think thats why I wasn't so sure what to think about those pics of dom with the ladies.

    ok i think ive figured out what I love about that interview: the hair, how his eyes sparkle, i love that ring that he is wearing :awesome:, um his voice, and its kinda weird but he has like a bit of acne or something on one side of his face, but somehow he makes it cute :happy:

    :LOL: Ya know I will actually just play a random interview and not hear a word he's saying, but just listen to his voice :$

    Brandon is married though, rite? ah but there is a song called believe me Natalie :D

  24. Yeah the shower, stripers, and stuff like that aren't the best! :LOL: so i am kinda happy they grew up! :LOL: I have to be carefull about that when i email my cousin :facepalm: i would never hear the end of it if I said "oh yeah i really want to see shortless dom! :awesome:" You know it is way too easy to type shortless dom :facepalm: I was watching the extras on the bus home from school and that came on and I was like :eek: and the kid next to me went "holy crap what are they doing!? are they having wild and crazy butt sex?" Im like "what the hell is this!? :eek:"

    ok im just wondering if this is just me, but in Leave the bourbon on the shelf, the first time brandon sings Jennifer the first bit always sounds like a womans voice to me :facepalm: I'm just wondering if you can hear it to or if my ears are funky :rolleyes:

  25. So so pwoud of him! :chuckle:

    :LOL: that just isn't right

    Your quite welcome! :happy: I love OoS era videos (except maybe when they are going to those crazy parties :erm:) I love the interviews. oh have you seen this

    Matt just looks amazing.. i dont know what it is, but i love to watch this one :happy: (yeah not OoS but showbiz. close enough) Maybe its the way his eyes sparkle in the light.

    :LOL: Oh god don't even get me thinking about shortless Dom! :LOL: Well i guess I want that coz thats what I typed without even thinking about it! :LOL: Oh god Doms tape! :eek: I think Matt put some of it into those hully extras :shifty:

    Oh I'm going to PM someone tomorrow who I know has a link to those Dom pics so I should hopefully be seeing those soon!

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