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Everything posted by Ahkmed

  1. Har har. :p I knew you were going to say something like that. But all people know Amercia for is being fat, mean, and starting wars. :( I need to move. And I'm a big lord of the rings fan so that's sort of why I would mention that.. :LOL:

  2. oh really? I always forget how far ahead you guys are on time! I so want to go there :( It looks gorgeous plus lord of the rings was filmed there :shifty:

  3. Ah ok..well that's still cool. Where do you live ?

  4. exactly. I like how often you are on. You can actually reply to my messages within a few minutes instead of having to have a conversation over the course of days.

  5. I dont know, lol. sorry that was late. i tend to not make sense at that time.

  6. oh..smooth move there.

  7. You don't remember my name? :( oh and thanks, haha.

  8. nope.. girls aren't homosexual they're lesbian. BOOM

  9. :/ well that's also homosexual.

  10. Why yes, perhaps.

  11. :phu: yes..yes your are. Oh I see...so it's THAT kind of music. What If I just have amazing headphones? huh
  12. well now that really is gay isnt it? :(

  13. oh..well ok. go ahead and keep it. but next time you make pizza please let me know. :p

  14. :eek: I want...so bad! gimme please?
  15. but wait..what KIND of pizza? :erm:


    I dont know but it was a nice nudge. :happy:

  16. Oh that sounds soo good. I want pizza. Thank you for deciding for me what I want to eat. :LOL:


    Who nudged me?! :shifty:

  17. alright sweet! sounds good :happy: How have you been?

  18. :eyebrows: <3


    You better not have sold them! Ooo..yeah. those are good. Do want! :supersad:

  19. nudge me again :eyebrows: What brand?...how much? :awesome:

  20. oh I know..i need monies to buy new cymbals. :( Im so broke!

  21. I'm sure you're not that bad. and that's my smiley! :] but I give you permission to use it. Why aren't you in the YMT? :(

  22. perhaps I'll do that then when I get back! :happy: But I would prefer a lesson from you. :awesome:

  23. you haven't changed a bit <3

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