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Everything posted by muselover6

  1. Knowing Muse and the stunts they've pulled in the past...wouldn't be surprised.:chuckle: But it would be disastrous, or maybe just amusing, if Muse were to find out what us crazy musers say about them. :LOL: Just look at the PMT! If you do that is... do you (go on the PMT)? I'm guilty...:(

  2. Hi! Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I like your Avatar! Ha. Dom and Matt make an...interesting couple.

  3. And Happy Birthday! :dance:

  4. O, thanks for commenting on my profile....um... thing. Well I'm glad that I'm not alone!! I always find myself getting angry at others because a teacher will say something Muse related and I can't help but laugh, and people look at me like I have 3 heads. :LOL: You??

  5. I had a Muse dream a few days back. I can't stop thinking about it. Strangest dream I think I've ever had. I usually don't remember too many dreams, but I unfortunatly remembered this one. Matt was dressed up in a golden monkey suit swinging from these iron stairway rails and chasing Dom and Chris around calling them butt monkey f*ckers because they wouldn't make him mac n' cheese. None of that dream makes the least bit of sense to me.
  6. I had my first Muse dream last night! I've dreamed about Muse songs playing in the background of my dreams, but never a dream where Muse were really there. Well, for some reason I dreamt that Muse's picture was on the back of a United States 20 dollar bill. () Then I went back in time to see where the pic was taken, and I was in this staduim thing, at a Muse concert. (I wish...) Matt had on his Wembley outfit, while Dom and Chris had on these horrid tan and black leather outfits. Eventually, Matt's outfit changed into leopard print leather pants and this little tight black belly shirt. But he also turned into this tall muscular Matt, which I have to say, suited him quite fine. Minus the outfit... Messed up dream, but I enjoyed it.
  7. I, unfortunately, don't have very many Muse dreams, and if on the rare occasion I do, I really only remember that one of them was in my dream. I never remember what actually happens... Anyways, my non-muse friend had a Muse dream on a coupe occasions. She tells me that she is "driving towards Matt Dom and Chris in an ice cream truck and hit them with the truck, but only Matt comes out unharmed but his guitar got crushed." Not a very nice dream. Poor Dommeh and Chris. :'( (shame Matt's guitar was crushed too...)
  8. Mine would be "Your brain needs some assistance." from Escape. Or "computers refuse to understand how I'm feeling today" and "I was all alone. Wearing just socks and a phone." from MOYH.
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